I did my intro to track course here (Cayuga/TMP)
Their first date this year is Sat May 18, get signed up asap! When I took the course there were some complete noobs there. They did the best in the course because they hadn't developed bad habits from street riding, and their brains were more open to what the bike is actually capable of doing.
There is ZERO intimidation on the track, ESPECIALLY at the intro to track course. Only students are out on the track, in groups organized by skill level. It's a super laid back no stress environment. Even on regular track days they have only one group out on the track at a time, the "noob" (green) group, intermediate (yellow), and advanced (red), so you will be riding with people at your skill level, and in green group the skill level starts at zero
Watch Keith Code's Twist of the Wrist II over and over and try and apply everything in that video to your riding. Look THROUGH corners, avoid target fixation, get off the damn brakes, practice downshift blipping while two finger braking, etc. etc.
-Jamie M.