I keep riding if the roads are clear and the temps are above 6 or 8c. Proper gear for the temps, and ride to conditions.
The rest of the time?
I spend it here on GTAM debating with others about how my bike is going to turn into a pile of rust because I dared take it out in the winter before 20 spring rains cleared away every trace of salt within a 20 mile radius, about how salt dust is apparently equivalent to KY Jelly and will instantly cause me to crash as soon as my wheels touch it, how motorcycle engines are somehow special and "not designed to be run in cold weather" and will supposedly be damaged, how
tires have negative traction at anything below 10c, how I'm destroying my bikes resale value because someone may find a spot of rust on it somewhere, how I'll never get all the salt off of it because it finds "nooks and crannies" that are apparently equivalent to black holes that can never be found or cleaned, how I'm going to fry my electrical system because motorcycle wiring isn't designed for use in winter conditions and any salt that gets liquid on it while I wash the bike will "eat it"...
Umm.... I'll come back and edit this as I remember more discussions here from years passed.
Add in a wave thread or an oil thread, and next thing you know it...it's May again! ?