New rider getting denied insurance everywhere :(

Hello Everyone,

First post so take it easy on me please :)

I've been wanting to get on a motorcycle my whole life but in the interest of living I waited until after 30 years old cuz I know the old me (young me?) would have likely killed myself lol. I am 31 years old now and figured its about time so I went and got my M1 earlier this month. I have my rider training booked through learning curves coming up in mid August so I started shopping around for insurance as I want to purchase my first bike. I have 2 at-fault accidents (I know my reasoning is of no importance to insurance companies but it sucks because they were both just ****** luck, one with no car - dodged something that flew off of a car in front of me and smashed into a divider, the second a waterbottle got stuck under my break and I slowly rammed into a truck in front of me at low-speed), as well as 2 "traffic violations" (also bs tickets, failure to display insurance and some other dumb ticket). I have called so many different insurance brokers and companies and they all tell me pretty much the same thing - denied coverage. I am so disappointed and feel defeated - Do you guys have any suggestions? I read through some other posts and I saw some people have to go through facility coverage but I dont have over 4K to burn :(

Thanks in advance!
Hello Everyone,

First post so take it easy on me please :)

I've been wanting to get on a motorcycle my whole life but in the interest of living I waited until after 30 years old cuz I know the old me (young me?) would have likely killed myself lol. I am 31 years old now and figured its about time so I went and got my M1 earlier this month. I have my rider training booked through learning curves coming up in mid August so I started shopping around for insurance as I want to purchase my first bike. I have 2 at-fault accidents (I know my reasoning is of no importance to insurance companies but it sucks because they were both just ****** luck, one with no car - dodged something that flew off of a car in front of me and smashed into a divider, the second a waterbottle got stuck under my break and I slowly rammed into a truck in front of me at low-speed), as well as 2 "traffic violations" (also bs tickets, failure to display insurance and some other dumb ticket). I have called so many different insurance brokers and companies and they all tell me pretty much the same thing - denied coverage. I am so disappointed and feel defeated - Do you guys have any suggestions? I read through some other posts and I saw some people have to go through facility coverage but I dont have over 4K to burn :(

Thanks in advance!
Sadly the time is not right for you. Wait for the at-faults to fall off or be prepared to spend 4K+. Each at-fault is something like a 100% jump in rates. Your crashes weren't just bad luck, you had some vehicle control/housekeeping issues that bit you. Insurance companies expect the same hiccups when you transition to a bike and price accordingly.
Until those tickets and at faults disappear motorcycle insurance is going to be brutal.

You didn't mention what motorcycle you're trying to insure, either. That will have a massive difference as well.
I have called so many different insurance brokers and companies and they all tell me pretty much the same thing - denied coverage.

What bike are you asking for a quote on? While I can't imagine it'd be cheap with 2 at faults and claims, I also don't see them denying you coverage on an appropriately chosen bike.

While Bike and Rider are both factors for insurance, its much more the bike that plays a factor. If you are asking for a quote on a super sport, its not your insurance history thats the problem but your riding/license history (lack thereof).
What bike are you asking for a quote on? While I can't imagine it'd be cheap with 2 at faults and claims, I also don't see them denying you coverage on an appropriately chosen bike.
Once you get that much ink on your file, most companies won't touch you. The two tickets are just a surcharge, one at-fault is a big surcharge, two at-fault and it starts to get hard to find someone other than facility, two at-fault and two tickets and I don't know if there is anyone left. Especially for a new rider. If I had two at-fault and two tickets, I would expect to get dropped from an existing policy.
I think you are out of options. Motorcycles are risky business, particularly for new riders. I'm guessing your auto insurance is, or will be, just as expensive if your current provider reviews your driving record. As other have said you're going to have to show insurers you can operate a vehicle in a manner that doesn't pose a major risk to them. It takes time - focus on getting a few years of safe driving under your belt and things will be better.
While I can't imagine it'd be cheap with 2 at faults and claims, I also don't see them denying you coverage on an appropriately chosen bike.

I do. Pretty sure our OP is firmly in facility territory with that record, like it or not.
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I'm sure doing the M1 exit course and getting your M2 would help you get some coverage. I am 30 now but I've been in an at fault involving 2 other cars (2007), I've flipped my car (2010), and had a transport truck slide back into me during the winter on the 401 (2017). Of course, the at faults were a while back and I wasn't at fault for the truck nor did I have any tickets prior to getting bike insurance back in June this year.
2 at fault claims on you and a new rider
and 2 other tickets on top of that?

bend over for facility association

sorry OP
but the water bottle under the brake pedal one is amusing

how many F-bombs involved in that one?
Hello Everyone,

First post so take it easy on me please :)

I've been wanting to get on a motorcycle my whole life but in the interest of living I waited until after 30 years old cuz I know the old me (young me?) would have likely killed myself lol. I am 31 years old now and figured its about time so I went and got my M1 earlier this month. I have my rider training booked through learning curves coming up in mid August so I started shopping around for insurance as I want to purchase my first bike. I have 2 at-fault accidents (I know my reasoning is of no importance to insurance companies but it sucks because they were both just ****** luck, one with no car - dodged something that flew off of a car in front of me and smashed into a divider, the second a waterbottle got stuck under my break and I slowly rammed into a truck in front of me at low-speed), as well as 2 "traffic violations" (also bs tickets, failure to display insurance and some other dumb ticket). I have called so many different insurance brokers and companies and they all tell me pretty much the same thing - denied coverage. I am so disappointed and feel defeated - Do you guys have any suggestions? I read through some other posts and I saw some people have to go through facility coverage but I dont have over 4K to burn :(

Thanks in advance!
Dirt bikes (y) **** insurance.
First post so take it easy on me please :)

Failing to show proof of insurance: Indicates you leave home unprepared. Strike one!

Water bottle under brake pedal: Indicates you don't think about consequential effects. Strike two!

Single vehicle collision, dodging item falling from other vehicle: Indicates lack of control or judgement. Strike three!

And another one and you think your record is because of dumb luck. That may be the case but the insurer will be asking themselves if you are in denial.

From what I read in the legal forum the proof of insurance ticket is easily dismissed if one looks forward to the consequences.

It would be interesting to know if an insurer would erase one of those "Events" if you took a defensive driving course.

They tend to improve one's luck.
... in the meantime see if anybody will sell you insurance on something ridiculous like a step through Honda scooter,
starting with whoever underwrites your current house, car or tenant insurance.

Keep that insured for seven years straight, plus a clean car driver record for that same time,
and magically your sport bike insurance will become far more affordable.
Until those tickets and at faults disappear motorcycle insurance is going to be brutal.

You didn't mention what motorcycle you're trying to insure, either. That will have a massive difference as well.
Yea I only have one year for the tickets so looks like I might have to wait. CBR500
Sadly the time is not right for you. Wait for the at-faults to fall off or be prepared to spend 4K+. Each at-fault is something like a 100% jump in rates. Your crashes weren't just bad luck, you had some vehicle control/housekeeping issues that bit you. Insurance companies expect the same hiccups when you transition to a bike and price accordingly.
Sometimes life just works that way. Even the police who showed up to the accident literally called it a "freak accident". For the water bottle one I was driving slow in the left lane on lake shore with a barrier to my left and cars to my right. As soon as i realized what was happening I wanted to veer left or right to avoid the collision but i couldnt. I even pulled up the handbrake, im actually quite quick was just a ****** situation. As for the **** flying off the other car in front of me I was on the 407 in the right lane and it was either swerve left and smash a car or swerve right and smash a barrier, i chose barrier.
What bike are you asking for a quote on? While I can't imagine it'd be cheap with 2 at faults and claims, I also don't see them denying you coverage on an appropriately chosen bike.

While Bike and Rider are both factors for insurance, its much more the bike that plays a factor. If you are asking for a quote on a super sport, its not your insurance history thats the problem but your riding/license history (lack thereof).
Of course - I realized that quick. But I got a decent quote until I provided my drivers license # lol.
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