I wonder, if a candidate wandered around asking his potential voters what they wanted, what would the population say?
I’m betting a huge proportion would ask for more “free” stuff, lower taxes, better service.
I would consider paying more taxes. The carbon tax has a valid reason for existing but with Canada representing less than a percent of the world population and the rest keep peeing in the swimming pool what’s the use?
Secondly I don’t trust the government to use taxes wisely. I’m all for user pay but turning that ship around is God country.
Hedonism is used to sell everything on the planet. Cars, bikes, clothing, foods, vacations etc, making tons of upward floating coin. But if a chick slips over the line she’s a slut. Enter abortion opinionism
Education is the key but critical education is needed. The techie stuff is ok.
We need a new constitution. The PM should not be able to pick the head of and therefore control the RCMP.
Similarly The CRTC, censorship Canada
Too many of our decision makers are appointed by the party in power. Should they be elected?
How’s that working in the USA with a similar bunch of non critical thinkers?