New "mid-life crisis" rider in Brampton


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I've always wanted to ride, but things always came up and I kept putting it off. So I thought I'd start my mid life crisis a little early. :D

In July, I got my M1 and by the end of the month had done the M1 -> M2 course with Sheridan College.

I really liked the style, riding position and design/engineering of the Buells, so I went and imported a 2009 Buell Lightning CityX XB9SX from Wisconsin last week.

So far I have been tooling around the neighbourhood, and yesterday ventured out into the countryside with a buddy for an hour long ride.

Anyhow, I'm glad to be here. :cool:
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Dont feel bad. I started riding at 37 years old.
Great looking bike. Congrats and welcome.
I started at 48.
Glad I did 'cause if I'd waited until I was 50 I'd be too old to learn new skills, my reaction time would be too slow and yada yada and bad things

;) Just kidding!!
Those are killer bikes and you can do 12 oclockers all day long on them :)
I'm getting used to riding and the controls now. After many years on the track in cars (and even instructing), it was time to start something new before I hit the dreaded 40. ;)

Thanks for all of the support and warm welcome! :cool:
Welcome mid-life-crisis bro! That's a REALLY great bike and you'll have lots of fun with it.

Glad to see that "You still play with cars" ;)
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