New helicopters

Unfortunately the congestion is by design as city bureaucrats thumb their noses at drivers, you could fill a book on that subject. I still wish TPS did more though, OPP or other GTA police services still take traffic enforcement seriously and it shows.
Any who's seen the hilariously large fleet of boats the TPS has to mostly work on their tans know that just because police ask for toys doesn't mean police actually need those toys or even know how to use them. They have an air boat AND a hovercraft, just in case.

This fleet could be less than half the size and be just as effective:
Yeah maybe this padding is so they can keep getting more budget money. Kinda like how money is apparently thrown at health care but nothing seems to change, or goes to the wrong places.
I didn't realize that he uses and OPP car to get around.

I didn't expect him to be in a private vehicle but not an OPP car.
Dougie loves the police, so they get to have these new toys.

"In a news release issued Monday, provincial officials said the helicopters would be used in instances of auto theft, carjackings, street racing and impaired driving". Sure they will.................. I can hardly wait to see how effective they are.

Cost is about US $6,100,000 + any special equipment they will need installed. Maybe $40M - $50M CAN in total.

I think (I hope) the $134M is a lifecycle cost for an extended period of time, but who knows as we always seem to get screwed over for these types of things.

Are they passing a law that says a thief has to paint a big X on the roof of a fleeing car so TPS can better track it?

I'd prefer a drone with magnetic attachment to the hood of the fleeing vehicle. A couple of sticks of dynamite strapped to the drone and a big LED count down timer facing the driver.

Yours truly,
Wylie Coyote

Seriously, we could reduce the car thefts proportionate to the time a perpetrator is spent in jail by dumping the catch and release mentality.

Borrow Nayib Bukele from El Salvador for a bit.
I didn't realize that he uses and OPP car to get around.

I didn't expect him to be in a private vehicle but not an OPP car.
It's a special detachment for personal security. All Premiers have the same. Unmarked SUVs etc.
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