New 2011 ZX-6R - Break In ...

I have broken two bikes in (2007 CBR 600RR and a 2009 ZX-6R) in the "spirit" of the Mototune method. I say in the "spirit" of the Mototune method as it doen't make sense to beat the hell out a new engine when the only thing we are trying to accomplish is seating the rings. Smooth, but aggressive accelerations / decelerations in a repeated fashion will accomplish this. There is a small window of opportunity to do this... popular opinion is anywhere between the first 50 to 200 Km.

There are always two sides to every story.. the manufacturer's "baby it" method, the ride it like you stole it "beat the hell out of it" method... the truth is somewhere in between.

Both of the bikes mentioned above are pulling strong and burn no oil at all.
Wow, so many responses.

Wouldn't it be better just to go to the mechanics who have a dyno, and have it completed?

I don't mind spending the money to do the tuning by a dyno-expert (which by the way, is around 200-300$, is that true?), but, I am new to getting a new bike. I don't feel comfortable riding it "hard" or riding it like you "stole it" ... I rather have the tune up completed by a professional, and have my bike in a better running condiditon down the line.

Down the road, probably next riding reason, I am planning to get a slip-on, I was told then you need to do a dyno-tune, with the performance chips, etc. etc.
Bring it to Cayuga on the 24th, I'll break it in for free :D
Just before your bike go to the dealership they brek-in you engine, kick it up to the red line on the 6th gear, flush the oil, put new oil, and ask you to go slow for the first 1000km....if you "ride it like it's stolen" don't forget to change your oil earlier than the book says.
I need mine broken in as no probably though m just taking it for a 800km round trip will push her to my limits

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