Netflix is Satanic

I always wear a helmet when I ride.... oh not what you meant... what did you mean... just protecting my mind..
"Protect your mind"? What exactly does that mean?

I prefer the advice from Grace, "feed your head", that keeps my mind fertile.
But you lived, and you were happy. Look at today's teenagers...they're dead-eyed drones on medication to cope with a world they hate.

You can't make this stuff up:

Netflix is a programming tool.

Netflix is guilty of Satanism, programming kids to kill themselves and "predictive programming" (Black Mirror) which is showing you what your future will look like so you've seen it and won't resist when it arrives (social credit system).

Who owns all media? Find the answer to that question and you will find out who is currently controlling the world and the future of the world...including your children.

A clue: They own everything.

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Now I'm all paranoid. I have Netflix.

I let my 80 year old parents and all my kids share my subscription. I also leave Netflix on during the day for my dog. Are there any Netflix shows that tell parents to kill their kids? Or kids to kill their parents? Or Cujo type stuff they might be feeding my dog?
Now I'm all paranoid. I have Netflix.

I let my 80 year old parents and all my kids share my subscription. I also leave Netflix on during the day for my dog. Are there any Netflix shows that tell parents to kill their kids? Or kids to kill their parents? Or Cujo type stuff they might be feeding my dog?

Netflix is only the tool used to program our society, clearly to kill ourselves and worship satan. Which is controlled by Qanon, who made the earth flat, sent chemtrails into our lungs, and added chemicals into the water that turns frogs gay.

I think that about covers it
Netflix is only the tool used to program our society, clearly to kill ourselves and worship satan. Which is controlled by Qanon, who made the earth flat, sent chemtrails into our lungs, and added chemicals into the water that turns frogs gay.

I think that about covers it
"In a study published in Wednesday's issue of the journal JAMA Psychiatry, Dr. Thomas Niederkrotenthaler of the Medical University of Vienna and his team say there were roughly 94 more suicides than expected in the U.S. among those aged 10 to 19 in the three months following the show's release."

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study looks at a timeline of April to June, 2017
the 3 months following the release of the show

this coincides with the Leafs going down in the first round of the playoffs
it also coincides with the end of the school year and pressure over grades
and it coincides with spring/summer that bring body image issues for teens

so maybe it's possible the study was conclusion specific to begin with?
you could make an argument that the kids were all hockey fans

they state themselves that the study was conclusion specific before it began

"We expected in advance that there would be an increase in youth,
and in particular young women because of the protagonist in the show,
and what we saw was a sudden increase in suicides only in youth, not in older people,

and in particular in young women."
holy f***.......

If I knew how to post up pics I would do the one of the tinfoil hats from Signs. someone, please.......
Satan, the devil, is real.
The link to aliens is obvious, with 1000-2000 year old scriptures and written ancient references to aliens (gods); these are in fact, evidence.
Im not an evil doer and Im not a coward - we need truth tellers. Open your consciousness.
The aliens at the helm today are not the all mighty God. In todays terms they are like outlaw bikers - devils and demons. The almighty will return.
We are destroying the earth and call it progress. Our oceans are dying. The earth is at a tipping point. Mass murders around the Earth in the name of democracy is pure evil at its worst. Evil flourishes where good men do nothing. A small amount of the human race will be saved.
I read the bible, and as of recent started reading an english translation of the quran. So far, they basically say the same thing. I hope to learn more of other religions. I do not believe in the church.

I don't know if netflix is evil. Some say Disney is also an evil entity. I do believe brain washing and thought control are the devils tools.
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The Crusades? Righteous mass murder?

God is omnipotent and all powerful but allows toddlers to die of cancer and whole communities to be wiped out from earthquakes? Now that is evil.

Aliens travel millions upon millions of miles using what must be incredible technology that indicates incredible intellect only to reveal themselves to nutters?

Toni Bou. It was Toni Bou.

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The only thing more ridiculous than having an imaginary friend is having an imaginary enemy.
True wizardry is tricking teenagers into killing themselves...and that's as evil as evil gets whether you believe in any god or not.

Not the best plan for holding a market share in the ratings, killing off your fan base and all.
Now I'm all paranoid. I have Netflix.

I let my 80 year old parents and all my kids share my subscription. I also leave Netflix on during the day for my dog. Are there any Netflix shows that tell parents to kill their kids? Or kids to kill their parents? Or Cujo type stuff they might be feeding my dog?

Just wait till they figure out how to send chemtrails down that coax cable, then you'll be sorry.
Personally I was completely traumatized when Bambi's mom died,
but seeing Doctor Zhivago at the same age didn't seem to affect me :|
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