Neighbour of the year

I have about 10 ft of frontage and then a major highway. Try getting all that **** dumped onto your front lawn constantly. Clearing the hump at the end of the drive is a battle I contend with about 3 times a day. I've considered spray painting on grass in summer. With the amount of salt/sand that is dumped there over winter getting grass to grow is a nightmare.

Then the spring thaw and the flooding downstairs. Sump pumps are a hot commodity in our house.

Saying that the neighbour has 5 kids and no snowblower. They do the "take a run at er" method. However if I have a windy day and dump it into their drive I will go over and rectify it.
Agree with most. Gary is in the right. Don't dump your snow on someone else's property. Sounds like Gary already cleared the snow and the vid poster dumped his snow on Gary's cleared spots. I clear my snow onto my own lawn. If it blows on the neighbors drive or walkway, I go over and clear any I cause to be there.
Agree with most. Gary is in the right. Don't dump your snow on someone else's property. Sounds like Gary already cleared the snow and the vid poster dumped his snow on Gary's cleared spots. I clear my snow onto my own lawn. If it blows on the neighbors drive or walkway, I go over and clear any I cause to be there.

drifting snow must be a biotch :D

I agree you can't cant throw snow on somebody else's sidewalk or driveway, but lets be realistic here, sometimes you have to put snow where it fits. Sometimes this means half of the driveway over here and the other half on the other side. If this encroaches a foot onto the neighbours lawn, that's just how life is.

Gary is a tool and the guy filming is an instigating jerk.... everyone can carry on
Why do you think it's inconsiderate and disrespectful?

I'll blow whatever way the wind is blowing. Sometimes I blow onto my own front lawn, sometimes my neighbours. My whole neighbourhood is covered in snow from 2' to 6' deep. I don't see how it matters if its a little higher or lower in some spots. We all do each other's sidewalks and plow ins depending on who gets home first. I guess I'm lucky that none of them are jerkoff morons.

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Do you also clear the leafs from your yard into his? I guess it is just the way I see things, snow that goes on my property stays on my property, no reason to send it to someone else. Somehow I always manage to find a way to blow my own snow into my own yard regardless of how the wind is blowing, maybe the wind blows differently in your neighborhood.

Was the jerk off moron comment directed at me? I like to be sure if people are insulting me.
That passive aggressive, derisive, childish behavior by the guy filming would have gotten him a boot up his ***. He would have come out one day with his house doors buried up to the door handle in snow, according to his reason "its not MY snow, and i can put it where ever i want". In fact, i'd buy the biggest snow throwing machine i could find and every inch of snow that the monstrosity could throw would end up on dick faces property.
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my neighbors never complained about me dumping snow on their lawn.....maybe cause it was the snow from their driveway I just plowed off for them....
^ ^ ^ ^
This is the truth. Also same as "fastar" is saying.
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I can't figure which one of these gentlemen is supposed to be the neighbour of the year. Be that as it may I find most of the opinions and anecdotes in the follow up posts cathartic.
I have about 10 ft of frontage and then a major highway. Try getting all that **** dumped onto your front lawn constantly. Clearing the hump at the end of the drive is a battle I contend with about 3 times a day. I've considered spray painting on grass in summer. With the amount of salt/sand that is dumped there over winter getting grass to grow is a nightmare.

Then the spring thaw and the flooding downstairs. Sump pumps are a hot commodity in our house.

Saying that the neighbour has 5 kids and no snowblower. They do the "take a run at er" method. However if I have a windy day and dump it into their drive I will go over and rectify it.

dig a moat across your frontage... city came and insisted i have one... that's where i put all the snow last year, would have been entertaining if someone tried to park on it though
I don't really have any cogent snow removal/redistribution stories to relate, at least none that don't put me in a bad light, but come summer I'll scream "Get off my lawn" at anybody anytime they approach my property. What makes that especially poignant is that I don't have any grass. I hope this fits into the ongoing narrative.
Do you also clear the leafs from your yard into his? I guess it is just the way I see things, snow that goes on my property stays on my property, no reason to send it to someone else. Somehow I always manage to find a way to blow my own snow into my own yard regardless of how the wind is blowing, maybe the wind blows differently in your neighborhood.

Was the jerk off moron comment directed at me? I like to be sure if people are insulting me.

No, not directed at you. I worded that poorly, for that I apologize. I just meant that I don't have neighbours that get mad over really stupid things.

Leaves really aren't the same IMO. The snow will melt and it'll all be gone pretty much at the same time. I could shovel a pile of snow that's 6' high and 3' wide and does not extend onto his property or I can use the snowblower and end up with a 4' tall and 5' wide snow bank. None of us really see that there is any difference so we do what's easiest for all of us.
No, not directed at you. I worded that poorly, for that I apologize. I just meant that I don't have neighbours that get mad over really stupid things.

Leaves really aren't the same IMO. The snow will melt and it'll all be gone pretty much at the same time. I could shovel a pile of snow that's 6' high and 3' wide and does not extend onto his property or I can use the snowblower and end up with a 4' tall and 5' wide snow bank. None of us really see that there is any difference so we do what's easiest for all of us.
I apologize then, It is Monday an it seems I have my period today.
I apologize then, It is Monday an it seems I have my period today.

period :lmao:it really is amazing how a little humour can make the tension simply melt away.
As long as you kids stay offa my lawn. I'm good.
I don't really have any cogent snow removal/redistribution stories to relate, at least none that don't put me in a bad light, but come summer I'll scream "Get off my lawn" at anybody anytime they approach my property. What makes that especially poignant is that I don't have any grass. I hope this fits into the ongoing narrative.
What's up with the big words? Reading alot lately?
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