Need to borrow a Mitre saw

I lent a guy my sliding compound mitre saw once. He was cutting hardwood flooring. Dunno what happened, but he brought it back with the guard broken. (Looked like he took a hammer to it) His excuse was that a small cut off off flew out, bounced off something and smashed it.

It ended up he bought me a new saw and a new blade...those few cuts cost him dearly.
he probably didn't have the board square and the saw kicked it back.
Update...bought one on sale at Lowes (Skil 10" compound, $105). Figured the cost of gas to go borrow one vs the cost of renting one vs the cost of replacing a broken one vs the cost of new crown moulding after finding out I measured wrong vs just buying my own, I think it worked out ok.

Thanks for the offers (serious and otherwise)
If it's worth the drive to Hamilton......wood, aluminum or steel......
Can your saw cut through a stainless steel rod about the size of a quarter?

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