Get as many people as you can to complain and document the issue, spread it like wild fire on EVERY forum you know of that VW owners, visit. Manufacturers, as do most larger corporations, have "social media" people, that scour forums looking for "issues" once it becomes big enough or repeated enough that it "could" become an issue, they begin to pay attention.
Back in 2012, BRP redesigned their frames on some models of the ATV's. It was called the G2 frame, (gen 2). Problem was that there was a weak spot in the frame near where the power steering unit was mounted. The stress created by the power steering unit on the frame caused the frames to crack. It became a "known issue" among owners, but many didn't experience a crack. The ATV's came with standard 6 months warranty, (most ATV's are now coming with longer warranties, and extended warranties can be bought). Anyway, the owners with cracks complained to BRP, initially they blamed it on owner abuse, even at one point saying owners were operating on unlevel terrain, and in "off road conditions", the units weren't designed
Owners kept complaining, and flooded the forums with the issue. finally after about 9 months, BRP acknowledged, it was a design flaw. They came up with a brace to be installed on all customers units, fixed ones in dealer stock, (all at BRP cost), and redesigned, the frame in that area. They also then increased the warranty, on frames, of ALL customers units from the standard 6 months to 7 YEARS! Until that point BRP was taking a crap kicking on the forums, literally overnight everyone was praising them for their customer support actions.
So sometimes social media can be used for 30 years ago no one would have realized others were also having issues. Now EVERYONE knows in an instant.
Glad to hear the dealership, is NOT the one trying to pull a fast one, (although they are obviously aware of the issue and SHOULD have acknowledged it immediately).