Need a question answered.

Riders plus would have as well so long as you got the M2 course certificate (via a college) within 30 days.

Bummer though, but we can still do that coffee if ya want. ;)
Well the dream is dead. The 2016 KTM 690 isn't going to happen any time soon.Went and got my M1 this morning. Called my insurance company to get it set up.They did some checking and it seems the rules have change . Minimum requirement is anot M2 license now to obtain insurance. Called several places and was told the same thing.
So the sold sign is off the bike and my deposit refunded. Good times once again for me!

Still get your M1 exit this year, one less thing to worry about for 2017.

Which part of Brooklin? East or West of Baldwin?
I called riders plus. They wouldn't cover me with an M1. Seems the laws have changed this year.I couldn't find anyone to insure me. And I tried everywhere. One place would but at a cost of 3grand a year. Not happening. I am going to take the course in a couple of weeks. Called today they have opens. Going to book it tomorrow.
if you had your M1 and M2 previously there is no wait time to go from M1 to M2 to full M.
your insurance should also be rated off the date that you first got your first M1. thats how mine is, im over 10 years now.

i had mine expire, got my M1 and right back to M2 literally 3 days later, my friend just did the same thing this summer, he had his M1 for a week when he did his road test (after his 5 years on m2 expired).
i dont think he did his full M yet...he had to use my bike for his m2 because his doesnt really have signals that work...and the brake light is only ties into the rear brake. (its a chopped sportster, really badass looking bike)
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