Need a opinion

DON'T go for it.

You are 16 living here with all the crazy drivers now.
Use your money and get yourself a proper education...then buy a bike when you are 20.
Get yourself some road knowledge by driving a car first.

You can ride a bike on the track...look into racer5 or Fast...cheaper to start there.

Go call insurance company and come back and tell us your rate for a CBR125.
You will be working to pay the insurance company,
yeah, listen to the membership, don't get a motorcycle, in fact, ask your mom if you can live in an inflated bubble
the world is a dangerous place, you're not rich and durable enough like the bike owners in this forum :sad3:

OP, joking, don't pay attention to the nannies on this site...they live in the suburbs, they all cut their grass
on the same day, bought bikes to try and prove they are men even though they drive minivans

you're 16, get a bike because:

chickies love them
will make you a better driver
you're young enough to make mistakes and have forever to correct them
and most importantly, because you want one
if you like the 125, sit on it, make sure you fit, and buy it
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OP, just do this basic arithmetic, Get insurance quotes on what you'd like to buy. If the CBR 125-250 is too much, try a 125-185 dirt bike for insurance. Add that to about $1000. for gas/tires/work for a season, could be more/less. And the cost of the bike.

If you can afford it without being totally bike poor, go get the bike.

And dont be a dick so when you have some seasons in and come back at 20 we can argue about you getting a supersport. Buy a bike
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