It sounds like your initial iPhone ownership experience was positive....the used one you bought, not so much, but an iPhone 4 is VERY long in the tooth and your shutdown issues are almost certainly battery related - that said, battery replacements are not expensive...find an iPhone repair place near you and they can do it while you wait. It will almost certainly resolve your shutdown problems unless there is something hardware going on in addition, but it's not an expensive thing to try either way.
If you want to upgrade and buy something new while staying with the iPhone ecosystem, you like the size of the iPhone 4/5 vs the larger 6 models, the iPhoneSE is the same form factor as the iPhone 5 (just comfortably larger than the 4, you'll like it) and it can be had for not a lot on a 2 year contract. It's brand new and contains all the latest hardware so it will last you for many years to come, especially if you nursed an iPhone3G this long - that's pretty impressive actually, those things are 8 years old. That's something else to keep in mind - the fact that the Apple hardware lasts - ask yourself how many of the "other" manufacturers still have phones that are working at 7-8 years of age, must less still getting software updates at 5+ years of age like many older iPhones still are.
If you're happy with your plan with Telus anyways a 2 year term isn't likely going to be a big deal - just call them up and tell them you want the iPhoneSE but you absolutely positively want to keep your current plan - they will likely try to switch you to a new "in market" plan (most carriers typically don't like people renewing on old plans to get new phones) but if you politely insist long enough (especially if you are a long time customer) they will usually relent. If they don't, politely end the call, call back in a day or three and pretend like you want to cancel - you will get put through to the retentions department...and retentions can blow rainbows and sunshine out of their butts in order to keep a customer, so they have the power to make things happen and you should not only be able to keep what you have while getting the new phone, but you may even be able to negotiate some extras if you play your cards right.
If they stand fast and refuse however don't let them call your bluff - if they DO cancel your line you'll loose your phone number etc etc - if you get to that point, tell them "Well, let me think about it, just leave everything as is" and then report back here, we can come up with some other options at that point.
Good luck.
If you want to upgrade and buy something new while staying with the iPhone ecosystem, you like the size of the iPhone 4/5 vs the larger 6 models, the iPhoneSE is the same form factor as the iPhone 5 (just comfortably larger than the 4, you'll like it) and it can be had for not a lot on a 2 year contract. It's brand new and contains all the latest hardware so it will last you for many years to come, especially if you nursed an iPhone3G this long - that's pretty impressive actually, those things are 8 years old. That's something else to keep in mind - the fact that the Apple hardware lasts - ask yourself how many of the "other" manufacturers still have phones that are working at 7-8 years of age, must less still getting software updates at 5+ years of age like many older iPhones still are.
If you're happy with your plan with Telus anyways a 2 year term isn't likely going to be a big deal - just call them up and tell them you want the iPhoneSE but you absolutely positively want to keep your current plan - they will likely try to switch you to a new "in market" plan (most carriers typically don't like people renewing on old plans to get new phones) but if you politely insist long enough (especially if you are a long time customer) they will usually relent. If they don't, politely end the call, call back in a day or three and pretend like you want to cancel - you will get put through to the retentions department...and retentions can blow rainbows and sunshine out of their butts in order to keep a customer, so they have the power to make things happen and you should not only be able to keep what you have while getting the new phone, but you may even be able to negotiate some extras if you play your cards right.

Good luck.
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