Really, every system you buy into is proprietary, when is anything really off the shelf or interchangeable? They give you a cable for the lightening port. I never had a reason to jailbreak a phone, why?
Yeah itunes is a bloated mess, but it works well enough to manage apps. I don't play music on my phone.
Never had a reason to remove the battery either. The hardware lasts long enough by the time you need to replace the battery you might as well replace the phone.
Expansion storage would be great, I can see that one being useful. If I had that option on my 5S I wouldn't need a new phone. Just upgrade the storage.
I've used them all BB, android, nokia, except windows phone. I found Apple's iphone to be the most consistent performer and doesn't have that android flakiness. As mentioned I have a 4 year old phone that still run's great and has been dropped a few times without problems.