Need a motorcycle for modelling photoshoot :)

U still think this was real???

Ever think that maybe someone who started a thread the same day about themselves started this to see what happens???

That's my guess.

Also, if she does you think she will respond after how rediculous this thread got?

Did u pick a bike yet? Don't leave us wondering, which one did u choose?

not another post from the OP after the first page. lol

wait to go scared off another one.

if you are still here Allisan......

what bike did you end up picking?
lets see some pics. :)
This is what's gonna happen:

Cute girl and fake photographer greet you as you drive your bike into a loading dock. A few pictures are taken, then you are asked if you could kindly step out of the room for a minute as the model will be taking nude photos and is uncomfortable with an audience. As you wait in the waiting room your bike is loaded into a waiting minivan and driven out the back door before you have the chance to finish that awesome article you were reading in Cosmo

Classic scam, just usually done with rented jewelry instead
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Thanks for the pics Allisan and a great voice to boot (lachesis),so doubters what you think

va va vroooom
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Thanks for the pics Allisan and a great voice to boot (lachesis),so doubters what you think

va va vroooom

Nice looking girl trying to make it in an ultra competitive modeling arena?
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