(Near) Free food delivered to you

New accounts only though. I’m getting tired of setting up new email addresses.

Deal is over anyways. They don't confirm email address so you can put in a random one.

Also, something that may be useful for other things too, with gmail you can put a period in anywhere and it'll go to same address.

Ie. johnsmith@gmail.com, john.smith@gmail.com, jo.hnsmith@gmail.com etc. will all direct to the same address but appear to vendors (Ie. Skip the Dishes) as separate unique emails
Are you delivering for Skip?
And does anyone know: do I have to tip when I order? Or can I tip after delivery?

No, in my opinion the pay rate is not worth the time/gas to deliver. I always tip when I order, drivers will usually accept an order much quicker if there's a tip along with it. Shame that the deal went down but luckily I pre-paid for all of this week. I think I'm getting Sushi today :)
I get Skip when I can find a code that works. In my opinion they kind of screwed their business model a bit as now everyone expects a discount code.
You really should tip before and after, they do tremendous work...first they deliver the food and then they also taste the food make sure you aren't poisoned.
You really should tip before and after, they do tremendous work...first they deliver the food and then they also taste the food make sure you aren't poisoned.

I saw a blurb on the news the other day that someone did a survey of drivers that ''sampled'' customers' food and it was 28%
great, the sweaty dude and his nose picking kid ate half my fries on the drive over......
I saw a blurb on the news the other day that someone did a survey of drivers that ''sampled'' customers' food and it was 28%
Saw it too
Not sure if this will stop me from getting my food delivered

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
And that’s only from the ones that admit in doing it. The real number probably more.

There are other apps like Ritual that gives you discount if you pickup the food. And more bonus if you do group lunch / for company.
It coming, she's paddling towards the shore right now.
It coming, she's paddling towards the shore right now.

Rowing out to meet her half way would be the equivalent of a tip

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