Narrowing lanes in Toronto?

Toronto trying to resolve its transportation issue .. LOL ... These fools will be trying everything before they come to a conclusion that only big cheque to build subway, LTR, trains... Can get people out of the cars. Like elsewhere in the rest of the world.

Until then, they will be spinning their wheels and it will get to the point that very few people will bother to come visit, or even commute to work. They simple are not interested in anything else than tax, developer fee etc. .... I would love to come see some of the entertainment .... But can't be bothered more than a couple of times a year, and that's just about enough.

It' a travesty and I have no clue how do you put up with this crap.
Toronto trying to resolve its transportation issue .. LOL ... These fools will be trying everything before they come to a conclusion that only big cheque to build subway, LTR, trains... Can get people out of the cars. Like elsewhere in the rest of the world.

Until then, they will be spinning their wheels and it will get to the point that very few people will bother to come visit, or even commute to work. They simple are not interested in anything else than tax, developer fee etc. .... I would love to come see some of the entertainment .... But can't be bothered more than a couple of times a year, and that's just about enough.

It' a travesty and I have no clue how do you put up with this crap.

That's the most reasonable anti-Toronto post I've read on this forum so far.

Only been here 4 years, but I'm shaking my head anytime I have to 1) take the TTC 2) leave the city 3) come back to the city.
I don't see how this helps my 13km commute from queens park to yorkdale area at 3pm. Which takes me an hour by the way. How will this help the delivery drivers and big rigs get around, or the poor lady in her massive SUV that doesn't know the outer limits of the car.

How about they hurry up and fix the poorly timed lights all around the city first. I shouldn't have to catch every single light red on ave road or university at 6am when there are no cars or pedestrians trying to cross those intersections. Also why is it that some major intersections have no advanced left turns for both ways. Most of them are yellow light 1 car left turns, ya this helps traffic flow .

I saw on my many travels to europe that late at night time all major streets stayed green, while small side streets with lights flash red. Might be an idea.
Might be too hard to ask though from a "world class city", a city that only the Toronto news stations and politicians think is world class.
I don't know why I'm ranting. Oh well.
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so if narrowing lane width increases commute speed...then when lane width=0 commute speed= infinity
we will have achieved the dream of teleportation !!!!

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Don't even try to compare anything that is done in Europe with Toronto, it will frustrate you.

The most amazing thing I have seen in Toronto is a RoundAbout (one of the very few in the city) with a stop sign on each corner, so while you are inside the RoundAbout you must stop 3 times before completing it


I don't see how this helps my 13km commute from queens park to yorkdale area at 3pm. Which takes me an hour by the way. How will this help the delivery drivers and big rigs get around, or the poor lady in her massive SUV that doesn't know the outer limits of the car.

How about they hurry up and fix the poorly timed lights all around the city first. I shouldn't have to catch every single light red on ave road or university at 6am when there are no cars or pedestrians trying to cross those intersections. Also why is it that some major intersections have no advanced left turns for both ways. Most of them are yellow light 1 car left turns, ya this helps traffic flow .

I saw on my many travels to europe that late at night time all major streets stayed green, while small side streets with lights flash red. Might be an idea.
Might be too hard to ask though from a "world class city", a city that only the Toronto news stations and politicians think is world class.
I don't know why I'm ranting. Oh well.
Lol I'm very frustrated lol. The new queens park circle is ridiculous as well as the Allen road and lawerence area. Oh well cars don't have the right of way anymore, and it shows.
Don't even try to compare anything that is done in Europe with Toronto, it will frustrate you.

The most amazing thing I have seen in Toronto is a RoundAbout (one of the very few in the city) with a stop sign on each corner, so while you are inside the RoundAbout you must stop 3 times before completing it


Bahahahaha....doesn't that defeat the whole object of roundabouts? Traffic flow?

In our neck of the woods drivers treat roundabouts as mythical beasts that when woken might suddenly rise up and snatch their first least that must be why they tiptoe around them.
That's the most reasonable anti-Toronto post I've read on this forum so far.

Only been here 4 years, but I'm shaking my head anytime I have to 1) take the TTC 2) leave the city 3) come back to the city.

I know what you mean ... but just a little correction. I am not and don't mean to be anti-Toronto. But what drives me crazy is when I hear high profile people (politicians, celebrities ...) always talk about "great city of Toronto" .... yet, when you think of great cities and what they are known for ... Toronto has none of that and transportation is a big big part of it. The city (represented by Feds, Provincials and city folks) is always looking for private money to somehow part finance transit needs. This utopia born here never has worked anywhere else, yet this great city of Toronto is trying to do just that. When you stack up Toronto against anything of comparable size .... it gets ugly very quickly.

If they would just find the balls to invest in the city the right way and stop worrying about their political ambitions ... maybe my son's kids will enjoy a proper transit in Toronto, if they last here long enough.
Don't even try to compare anything that is done in Europe with Toronto, it will frustrate you.

The most amazing thing I have seen in Toronto is a RoundAbout (one of the very few in the city) with a stop sign on each corner, so while you are inside the RoundAbout you must stop 3 times before completing it

LOL ... or should I cry?

BTW, where is this place located in the great city of Toronto? Would like to come snap a pic, so the old world can see how we do transportation here.
Really, this is not some harbinger of the end of the world.

- I doubt they will actually expand the sidewalks on many streets, if at all. That costs way more money than just painting in bike lanes.
- Delivery trucks will simply park in the bike lanes, just like they do now. Pretty sure most delivery trucks in the city are used to parking illegally most of the time even when bike lanes are nowhere nearby.
- Likewise if a car needs to pull over to let emergency services through they will pull to the curb, just as they do now. If that means they're in a bicycle lane, so what? That's legal for letting emergency services though because everybody's supposed to pull over.
- People already can't stay in their lane, I mean have you driven in this town? But the answer to "Our roads are full of idiots who aren't paying attention" is not "Give them more space to be stupid in."
- They've already narrowed the lanes in some spots and no one's noticed or said anything. For example, the Bloor Viaduct's lanes were narrowed by about eight inches two years ago.

Like I said earlier, I'm more interested in my why the quality of road repairs has gone to total ****. That slows me down way more lot more than lane width ever would and is something way more concerning to me than some minor policy change on lane size.
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Toronto trying to resolve its transportation issue .. LOL ... These fools will be trying everything before they come to a conclusion that only big cheque to build subway, LTR, trains... Can get people out of the cars. Like elsewhere in the rest of the world.

Until then, they will be spinning their wheels and it will get to the point that very few people will bother to come visit, or even commute to work. They simple are not interested in anything else than tax, developer fee etc. .... I would love to come see some of the entertainment .... But can't be bothered more than a couple of times a year, and that's just about enough.

It' a travesty and I have no clue how do you put up with this crap.

Stockholm had this problem, but much worse. They put on a traffic congestion fee to access the city as a pilot project, subject to approval by taxpayers by referendum after one year. In 6 months, people were amazed at how much easier it was to navigate the city, businesses saw a huge boom in sales. the fee was ratified by referendum by a huge margin.
There are too many people driving around all day that don't actually need to be.

As for the GTA..there are nicer cities to live in where you can buy a real house for less than a crumble-o-matic condo in the GTA, and have a nice ride on roads.
Like I said earlier, I'm more interested in my why the quality of road repairs has gone to total ****. That slows me down way more lot more than lane width ever would and is something way more concerning to me than some minor policy change on lane size.

Look at the signs on road construction areas: all of it, billions of dollars, is in the hands of four companies. And they say Quebec has a corruption problem. None of them are coordinated efforts: we spend millions on new asphalt, then a week later it gets ripped up in patches by some utility company, then patched and re-patched by another utility, 5 years later, all degrades to crap.

There is no one organizing road construction such that electrical and water, sewer, can lay new infrastructure when a road is ripped up, before its get paved. Sounds stupid, because it is.
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Look at the signs on road construction areas: all of it, billions of dollars, is in the hands of four companies. And they say Quebec has a corruption problem. None of them are coordinated efforts: we spend millions on new asphalt, then a week later it gets ripped up in patches by some utility company, then patched and re-patched by another utility, 5 years later, all degrades to crap.

There is no one organizing road construction such that electrical and water, sewer, can lay new infrastructure when a road is ripped up, before its get paved. Sounds stupid, because it is.

The city couldn't organize a picnic let alone getting all the utilities to do their thing at the same time and only need to rip up the road once.
That's part of it, but I mean, I see even stuff like potholes that get filled in and they look like the road has frikkin' goosepimples a day later. Or someone lays down tar snakes and two weeks later the snakes are all ripped out and spread over the road like so many tar turds.

I mean do the crews doing this have guns to their heads or just do not give even the slightest **** or... what? I'm not saying our road crews were ever doing the greatest work but it was at least acceptable. So what changed?
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Oh nice to see we're moving toward a lane filtering friendly system.

I rarely go downtown because it's a PITA. If they start introducing more hostile laws toward motorcycles I will stop going there altogether, even with my car.
Look at the signs on road construction areas: all of it, billions of dollars, is in the hands of four companies. And they say Quebec has a corruption problem. None of them are coordinated efforts: we spend millions on new asphalt, then a week later it gets ripped up in patches by some utility company, then patched and re-patched by another utility, 5 years later, all degrades to crap.

There is no one organizing road construction such that electrical and water, sewer, can lay new infrastructure when a road is ripped up, before its get paved. Sounds stupid, because it is.

this...i have watched crews tear up, and repave the area at the foot of jarvis at least 3 or 4 times in the past 2 yrs...seriously
Wasn't there recently changes to the HTA, including rules to provide 1 metre distance when passing cyclists. So, does this road narrowing initiative conflict with the new HTA rules? Could you get fined for not yielding the space to cyclists though you're physically unable to without endangering others on the road? :dontknow:
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