For most of my teenage years, I used a C64 monitor as a bedroom TV. Colors (and scrambled porn) looked amazing on that thing.
Ah scrambled porn....yet another joy of my childhood that today's generation will never experience...
For most of my teenage years, I used a C64 monitor as a bedroom TV. Colors (and scrambled porn) looked amazing on that thing.
Test Drive!
Spent a lot of time playing that as well. Although I was never a console gamer...I spent countless hours playing C64 games.
I totally forgot about that! Lmfao ?Ah scrambled porn....yet another joy of my childhood that today's generation will never experience...
More deets please. This looks ultra cool.
Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
I'll agree - it was hands down AWESOME on the 3D0. I probably spent more time playing that game than any console game ever....and I was never a big console gamer.
River Raid on the Atari2600 was pretty addictive in it's day as well.![]()
Keyboard was the cpu, right?
@PrivotPilot No Vic20? Lol!
And sorry, what's bbs?
Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
@mimco_polak there's the datasette!Hahah..yeah, almost forgot the Vic20. I did own one of those too. Spend 3 weekends at our cottage one winter hand typing in code from a BYTE magazine to make a "banner printer" program. Saved it to a datasette...something else probably foreign to a lot of people around here.
What BBS did I run..or what's a BBS?
What is a bbs?
@mimco_polak there's the datasette!
What is a bbs? You're talking to a guy that can't get a printer to work 90% of the time!
Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
Brings back good memories.
Yes, and no. Datasettes were frustrating sometimes, not to mention the speed...or lack thereof.
I don't know PP....this was back in the late 80s....I'd say the technology was great at the time. Considering we didn't have many options beyond this, you play with what you got.
Never played Contra back in the day but I've got it on this Super Fun Joy thing I found at a flea market for $3. It's a Chinese plug and play game with like 80 NES and classic arcade games built in. It's basically an NES on a chip and it's all built into a N64 looking controller.
I ran "Ground Zero BBS" in Oshawa for a total of about 6 or 8 years. I'm still friends with lots of other SysOps from the local area from that era, although now it's on FB or real life, not just online anymore.