My turn to be stupid

Seen a dude drop an aprilia yesterday at the forks

It was a parking lot drop, But i did go after and have a look and it had some damage. Probably 10 or more foreign students all had brand new bike and brands
It was an older RSV4, the only new model was an RS 660 i believe

Not sure if they were students or not, but they were definitely ballers.
They all looked new to me, But hey all those style bikes all look the same anyway
I just did this at Hockley General store I front of everyone. Didn’t see the lip on driveway had to try drop it gently to the right.
I'm assuming it was on the far side exit? They really should smooth that out ... and also sweep all of the grit from the main area on the front as it's never good having a foot slip as you're backing up.
I'm assuming it was on the far side exit? They really should smooth that out ... and also sweep all of the grit from the main area on the front as it's never good having a foot slip as you're backing up.
That is the exact spot. I was slowing down for the oncoming traffic to turn left to try again for a parking spot and didn't see the dip and lip. It was an odd place for sure. I parked at the back, second time around. I think it cleaner at the back, gravel wise.
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Years ago I had a co-worker who was diagnosed with lung cancer. He was terminal.
He alway rode an old custom bike, I think from the 60's, and always dreamed of buying a brand new Harley. His wife talked him into buying his dream bike while he could still ride.
I was sitting in the parking lot early Monday morning waiting for him to show up and open the gate. He pulls up to the gate on a brand new Harley. Stops. Doesn't put his feet down. Him and the bike fall over like timber.
I assumed his lace got caught on the gear shifter and ask him if that's what happened. He looked me straight in the eye, and with a straight face said, "No, I just forgot to put my foot down." That's one of the best laughs I've ever had! He swore it had nothing to do with his condition and was just a brain fart.
The only damage, if I remember right, was a broken clutch leaver. Snapped about 2 inches off.
Unfortunately, he passed away less than a month later. Cancer can move real fast when it wants to.
I almost has a stupid moment tonight.

Make a quick pitstop before going home. Was stopped on a bit of incline nothing to steep, kicked out the stand, heard the thunk, thought I had the stand out (was dark), but it wasn't, started to lean the bike over, no resistance, almost went over, but forced it back up. Good thing this bike is light (compared to the Harley it's a feather). Got it back up and made sure the kickstand was out. Whew! 😬
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