My New Project!

Can you visibly see gasoline moving down from the petcock... One time i took my gas lines and there was air build up . It was very little but enough to prevent from getting enough fuel. Also if you did take the gas line off did you hook it back in the exact same shape , i mean the same route with same bends that can also do back pressure
Personally I would not use pod filters, as the air box helps support the weight of the carbs and without that they just hang there. This would result in torn carb boots, which happened on my '84 Honda CH125.

hmm good point, well unfortunately i already shelled out the $40 so i might as well try them on, and the carb boots that are installed now are at least a few years old (and by few years im being quite modest, they are at least 2-3 years old...) , and theyre holding pretty well (of course i mean other than the cracks... but no major failure, thats the point im trying to make :P) i cant imagine however, the 4 200g air filters pulling on the carb so much, maybe over time, wear, and bumps in the road? Also i ordered new car boots for $10 a piece, god i love ebay!
Also i would like to chime in on somewhat of a shifting problem/irregularity. when shifting from first to second at RPM's in excess of 7000, is it normal to have some vibration when shift is made? Clutch in, first to second, irregular viberation, clutch out, reason i put it this way is because when shifting from second to third, or from third to fourth, its SOOOO much more smoother. If its not normal, what could the culprit be? Clutch springs? Clutch plates? i havent opened up that part of the bike yet so im going to need a little more info to make sure theres nothing wrong with it before i go tearing the damn thing apart :P
hmm good point, well unfortunately i already shelled out the $40 so i might as well try them on, and the carb boots that are installed now are at least a few years old (and by few years im being quite modest, they are at least 2-3 years old...) , and theyre holding pretty well (of course i mean other than the cracks... but no major failure, thats the point im trying to make :P) i cant imagine however, the 4 200g air filters pulling on the carb so much, maybe over time, wear, and bumps in the road? Also i ordered new car boots for $10 a piece, god i love ebay!

That was a design fault in the CH125 which caused carb boots to be VERY hard to find these days...the only one I could find (single cyl engine) cost about $60 shipped...and it was used
That was a design fault in the CH125 which caused carb boots to be VERY hard to find these days...the only one I could find (single cyl engine) cost about $60 shipped...and it was used
couldnt you just take the easy way out and find some rubber tubing that matched the diameter? im certain you could find those at home depot if anything. Also its probably the cheaper solution as well :) or is there some magical design in these carb boots that im missing? other than the lips on the ends of course...
couldnt you just take the easy way out and find some rubber tubing that matched the diameter? im certain you could find those at home depot if anything. Also its probably the cheaper solution as well :) or is there some magical design in these carb boots that im missing? other than the lips on the ends of course...

One side was metal other was rubber, usually cracks around the connection. The carb boot has a vacuum port at the top so cannot really use rubber tubing.
One side was metal other was rubber, usually cracks around the connection. The carb boot has a vacuum port at the top so cannot really use rubber tubing.

there's the magical component i was forgetting :P had to get a new boot for my scooter last season, and yes you are correct part of it is metal and the rubber actually is molded around it. Mine cracked exactly where you specified aswell :( and im sure you can somehow do a make shift nipple on the boot if need be :P
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Frame = Tremclad Dark Blue
Tank + Fairings = Tremclad Flat Matte Black
Exhaust and Headers = Tremclad High Temp Flat Matte Black
I will take another picture on Wednesday with the bike put together and hopefully with most of the accessories i have been waiting for so patiently :P
Ok, so we were all onto the tires and got sidetracked. Have you replaced your tires? If not, kiss that nice paint job goodbye. Regardless of cracks, rubber changes properties over time and if you have oldies, you are on borrowed time!

Ok, so we were all onto the tires and got sidetracked. Have you replaced your tires? If not, kiss that nice paint job goodbye. Regardless of cracks, rubber changes properties over time and if you have oldies, you are on borrowed time!

Tires are my priority! ive been trying to source out a pair, every time i tried to order, they did not ship to canada. So im going local or from

Can anyone suggest a place in the GTA thats got descent prices on tires? I didnt realize tires cost an arm and a leg in canada, i was going to order a pair from the states for $200, but they just refused to ship to canada :(
PM Recidivist (Dave) on this forum...
He gave me the cheapest price on tires/install and provided excellent service and feedback.
He's out in Whitby though, not sure how convenient it is for you to get out there.

Nice bike btw...
PM Recidivist (Dave) on this forum...
He gave me the cheapest price on tires/install and provided excellent service and feedback.
He's out in Whitby though, not sure how convenient it is for you to get out there.

Nice bike btw...

Awesome! ill definitely contact him, if anything ill drive to Whitby and that will be the last ride for these tires. im not doing any highway driving so im sure ill make it there alive :D Thanks :)

Also check Pete's for tires. Based in Montreal but ships fast and prices are good.
Just checked it out, after taxes and shipping its practically $300 :( i was really hopping for $250 at most :( im not cheap im just really tight because of insuring this guy :'( a penny saved is a penny earned! especially when spending money :P
checked it out just yesterday, a little to pricey tho :P i think my best bet is bayside performance... even tho shipping costs an arm and a leg, the tires themselves are quite inexpensive.
K so since time is of the essence for my tires i had to make an impulse buy at BaysidePerformance, shelled out $360 for a pair of BT-45's, and Speed and Strength-Moment of Truth gloves. $65 for shipping :( but they should be here first thing next week :-) Checked out Cycle world today and they told me they could get me the tires and install for $415, a little to pricey for my taste considering i could install them at home... Also anyone know someone who can install fork seals for cheap? 1 of my forks has the slightest leak so i picked up a pair of seals for it, i just dont have the tools to do the installation :( any help will be appreciated :D
Trail tech Vapor and homemade tank back pack installed yesterday!



Trail Tech Vapor Review:
Ease of use/instalation: 8/10
Performance/Accuracy: 9/10
Cost: 7/10
Practicality/Functionality: 10/10

So the above results, speak for themselves, I LOVE THIS THING! its quite the little computer with alot of information! For the $120 i spent on it, it was worth every penny! Only took about 25-40 minutes to install it including all the sensors. So this is the Air-Cooled Conventional fork model in stealth black, when i recieved it i was surprised as to how much smaller it is compared to the pictures :P However dont be fooled by its size, its screen is very clear and easy to read while riding, the backlit display is absolutely marvelous, Real time bargraph could be a little more precise/responsive, the functions on this thing are great, im not going to take the time and write about each one seeing as there are dozens of specs sheets you can look up :P Peronally i had to glue magnets to my front wheel but this is due to my rotors being very large in radius (the bolts were too far out on the wheel to make the computer accurate) so i opted to glue rare earth magnets to my rim, no biggie :D
Tank Back pack:
I dont know if anyone else has attempted to do this or not but, i just thought it threw and tried it out, so far so good :) So basically i took your generic back pack, tightened the shoulder straps, found a thick polyester strap with plastic buckles, threw the backpack over the tank, and clipped in the two shoulder straps with the belt. WORKED GREAT :D so far has withstood speeds of 145KM/h, hasnt even budged... its on there fairly tight and im sure with my chest pushing against the front of the pack, its not going anywhere! Give it a shot if your too cheap to afford the magnetic bags :P
So now lets mount them! I think ill take the "hammer to the nut" approach for this one :D
No centre stand, no jack, NO PROBLEM!!!!


So yes... to answer your questions, that is a forklift, and yes those are CNC Machines in the back.
So i took the rims off, painted them balck, swapped the tires, touched up the paint (everywhere), Cleaned the chain ( I MEAN, MAKE IT SHINE!), Lubed the Chain, and adjusted the chain!
Say hello to this new sexy beast!


So now to the technical half... After mounting the brand new BT45's, i instantly felt more safe and confidant during braking, cornering and acceleration. Words cannot describe the amount of increased traction from the old tires to these brand new ones. Even though i had to spend about $300 to get them, i am actually ecstatic to find out that they were worth EVERY PENNY! Now after a proper chain adjustment, cleaning, and proper lubing, the amount of rolling friction is is significantly reduced! Im probably not going to need to change the rear sprocket or the chain considering that there is barely any wear on either of them, and after cleaning the chain VERY thouroughly (half an hour of strocking the chain ;) ) It actually shines! I was also able to get about 50-60 grams of old grime off the chain :D She rides like a cloud and yet corners like a cheetah! its such a marvelous feeling! Im shocked by the difference these tires and adjustments made... btw this was about 7 hours of work :P mostly fiddling around with the spray paint ;P
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