My national television appearance!

thank you for the kind words!

I'm still working on bending bike forks with my mind! Give me another year to work on that heh :)

Wow, I'm surprised people actually remember me performing at some of the Boston Pizza bike meets I put together a couple years ago.... oh the memories.... one day I'll have to put them together again, and of course supply some illusions for everyone! If you got any magic related ideas, perhaps something you would like to see, feel free to pm me- I'm all ears!


Can u make zx600 bike disappear in front his eyes?

Sent from my tablet using my paws
Nice job.

Also, Im curious what are those box like items in each of your front chest pocket?

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Can u make zx600 bike disappear in front his eyes?

Sent from my tablet using my paws

I see what you did there... I'm still sensitive about that man!
Nice job.

Also, Im curious what are those box like items in each of your front chest pocket?


Wow good eye on noticing something I didn't even give much thought to!

As a magician, I almost always carry a deck of cards on me- since often when someone finds out that I perform, they ask me to do something for them on the spot. The other pocket has a stack of business cards so I can hand one to the person right after I'm done with my card work. There is a very good probability they will hire me for an event after seeing some of my material :)
Nicely done! You look very comfortable on the air. If it were me I'd probably choke
Those tricks are cool, but can you make the iPhone good technology with your magic :-)

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2
Nice job.
Those tricks are cool, but can you make the iPhone good technology with your magic :-)

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2

I'm anti-apple myself and don't use an iPhone or any other i-Product. If I single handedly could make it better technology, I would have already!
can you add 100HP to my Ninja 250? Thanks very much. Oh, and I can wait. no hurry.

No I can't, I'm a magician not a miracle worker :(

With that said, if you are a new rider, IMHO you'll end up being a better rider now that you've started on a 250. I rode a 250 for 2 years before moving up and although it cost me more to do that, I'm probably a much better rider because of it.
Nice Trick, I think I remember seeing it explained by Randy at some point.
Awesome! Do you use your tricks to pick up chicks like that magician on Keys to the VIP? hahahaha!
No I can't, I'm a magician not a miracle worker :(

With that said, if you are a new rider, IMHO you'll end up being a better rider now that you've started on a 250. I rode a 250 for 2 years before moving up and although it cost me more to do that, I'm probably a much better rider because of it.

lol! ya just like what you did, i'm planning to keep my lil 250 for another season.

your tricks are awesome. i may need an autograph if i bump into you sometime. :D
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