heading to work ,, at the first red light, the bike drops an octave .. sounds like one cyl just quit.. CRAP! .. light goes green,, and I give it a go... no problems. weird 12km later,, walking in from the parking lot... wondering.. where should I start,, plugs, fuel, hmmm. end of the day,, it starts fine,, and I ride on! ... just long enough to think it healed itself. then,,, bapp bapppp.. blaaa bla rrrrrr rrrrr rrr. then the one cyl thing,, but really rich stinking gas smell crap.. what tow truck should I call... then I figured,, I'll give it one more go. it starts... runs fine,, throttles away........ 10km,, I am thinking .. freakin gas gauge always lies! ,,, 160km on odometer?...it does say dead empty,, so I pulled the cap. There is fuel in there. 1km more.. just passing the gas station ..... bappp babb,, bubble bubble bubble bang bang BANG! for jayzus sakes... wtf.?? so I U turn with the intent that I will at least have some new gas in the event what is left is water logged or bad or something... then I put in 19.5 liters in the 18 liter tank! Fawk .... who reset my trip odometer! lol