bump this up. Haven't even really touched the bike until today. drained the oil, took the clutch cover off. Took the clutch plates out. They looks fine, no damage, no discolouration of the steel plates...
The only visible damage I could see is the grooving in the basket and inner hub. the grooving on the basket is pretty minor but the hub is grooved pretty good.
The clutch plates all move when I put the clutch lever however. With the lever pulled I can move them out a little bit more with my finger. I took all the plates apart, then put it all back in and it still won't roll in gear. I don't know what to do next.
That inner hub is ****ed and your basket is pretty bad also. Those grooves will cause the plates to hang up on them and not engage/disengage properly. You need to replace the inner hub at the least and most likely the basket Also for it to operate %100