Muzik night in shooting

I don't want or need a private citizen with a gun to protect me in society thanks. Other than those that only use firearms for sport or collecting I find them quite paranoid and I tend to stay away from armed paranoid people.
You sound paranoid . I'm staying away from you .

BTW the term is aware not paranoid .
even in the US. On our side of the border, the economy couldn't even run without civilians owning guns and many of them have wilderness carry permits too (basically got handguns strapped to their hips). .

can you expand on this , i'm legitimately interested , im not sure how our economy cant run without civilians and guns , but i'm an investment prone lad and if theres something i'm missing i'm all ears
can you expand on this , i'm legitimately interested , im not sure how our economy cant run without civilians and guns , but i'm an investment prone lad and if theres something i'm missing i'm all ears

Farmers use guns regularly for predator and pest control. Without being able to control wildlife population via hunting, trapping and just protecting their farms, our food industry's output would go to the crapper. Deer destroy crops. Foxes and Raccoons kill poultry. Coyotes can kill all sorts of livestock. Groundhog holes break cattle's legs. Some of these animals are disease vectors. Farmers either have guys who hunt those animals regularly on their land or will gladly let you hunt them. Cattle farmers will use guns to euthanise their livestock (think mad cow or horse with a broken leg). Then you have the resource sector. I've sayed in a few bush camps while I worked in mineral exploration and all of them had "bear-chasers" (guys with rifles or shotguns who'd keep bigger predators away). Even once you get your exploitation going, you either hire enough predator control people or you get Lorna Weafer kinda tragedies. We also have lots of infrastructure going through undeveloped land and people who build it and maintain it also need firearms for protection. Hunting contributes to our tourism industry as we have people from all over the world coming to Canada. Carry permits are typically issued to trappers (to humanely kill what they catch), and they aren't a big slice of our economic pie, they are an important part of our heritage, along with the seal hunters (and no, they don't club them; they use rifles nowadays).

Here's an outline of firearm use by Canadian farmers.. Contains a bit of misinformation and parroting of anti-gun propaganda, but the usage scenarios are pretty much all there
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Interesting , as Ive posted on this forum before I grew up on a farm in Campbellville, my family are still farmers. Except my brother (he's a Mennonite so no guns) . A gun was a very VERY seldom used tool, but it did have its place. Most counties pay a compensation to farmers for livestock so your insured against coyotes and such. Halton pays a compensation for coyotes and wolf attacks. We had a trapline licence for an area in south Halton (near Crawford lake) the tree huggers had no idea there was a trapline running parallel to cedar springs rd.

My Grandfather was the Halton County inspector to determine if livestock had been killed by roving dog packs or wolves, my Mother inheirited the job when his arthritis sidelined him, she was the livestock investigator for 16yrs. Anybody got coyote or wolf questions talk to my mom. Most people around Milton had no idea such things even exist, unless your a farmer.
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