Muslim cleric teaches that the earth is stationary

They are everywhere.

"In U.S., 42% Believe Creationist View of Human Origins"
In olden days, religions could get away with their fabricated stories. As science knowledge improved, religions realized the danger and tried to stifle opposing views, hence the dark ages. In modern times, only the delusional still believe in the fairy tales as literal truth and god's immutable word. Bible still contains good lessons, but they are in the form of allegory, fables and parables; not to be taken literally.

just my opinion
What's surprising here? Radicals follow a book that was written hundreds of years ago and kill for it.

There will always be idiots out there, and always even bigger idiots who follow em...I say let Darwin weed em out.
In olden days, religions could get away with their fabricated stories. As science knowledge improved, religions realized the danger and tried to stifle opposing views, hence the dark ages. In modern times, only the delusional still believe in the fairy tales as literal truth and god's immutable word. Bible still contains good lessons, but they are in the form of allegory, fables and parables; not to be taken literally.

just my opinion

Yikes... You just labelled over a Billion Muslims as delusional.

Any bets for when this gets dumped into Trash Talk?
I did qualify my post as just my opinion.
Shah is banned - thread should be good for a bit.

Shahria law is out? Just the same the thread on the veils has been banished to Trash Talk even though the most recent posts just dealt with public transit. Glad I am a site supporter or I would miss out on half the Romper Room threads lately...
Motion is relative so I suppose you could look at it as the Earth being stationary and the Sun revolving around us as it rotates lol. Obviously this notion is outdated but something to think about is that most of us believe the science without knowing either. How many of us have actually made our own measurements and worked out the math to explain the motions of all celestial bodies in the Solar System? We trust others to do this thinking for us. I think that who we trust to deliver this information isn't always related to our intelligence so much as our emotions.
How many of us have stuck our own arm into a wood chipper rather than take the experts' word that it is dangerous?

Does every concept need to be proven by each individual, or can we trust the collective wisdom of our species?

Im not saying we must accept notions simply because someone says so.
The thing about science is that hypotheses are out there, open to testing and data collection that support or disprove them.
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I will take the fossil age testing models over claims that earth is only 6500 years old any day.

The more important distinction is that while scientist offer their models/data to be disproved, the other side is refusing to discuss it altogether, according to them this is the way it is as per the books ... you like it or not. So I choose to not believe their theory that Noah's ark somehow floated with all the species aboard to keep life going ....
Why not these Religious Clerics, fundamentalist, preachers mind their own business. Their work is to maintain Harmony in society. Instead of this they are diving their nose in scientific theories. Let religion should be what it's meant to be.
But but but, religion is supposed to be the answer to all life's questions
The period of history, when religion ruled over science, was called the Dark Ages.

but I can get behind: spiritually enlightened
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