Muskoka to Kawartha Pierogi Run July 21 2024

See here it goes.
Apologies ahead. This ride report will not be as exciting as @shanekingsley's or @Lightcycle's . Those guys are true novelists.

Day started at 7:23 am at home. (23 minutes late, not a good start)

First stop was at Big Chute Marine Railway. (see road conditions at the end) I have ridden past this place before and have even stopped to check it out but I have never seen the boat elevator in action. I spent about 20-30 minutes here, more than I probably should have but just as I was about to leave, the elevator was going down to pick up a boat. I figured now was my chance to see it. After all, I think this is the only one of its kind in Canada.

Fun Fact:
The original model, built in 1917 is still operational today. It is still used today to help with some of the smaller boats when the traffic is busy.
The big version which is primarily used today was built in 1978.

A few pics of the Big Chute Marine Railway

Big Chute Marine Railway



At this point I am sort of worried that my fuel gauge is not working properly. The distance since my fill up near my house in the morning is only about 185 kms but my fuel light is already flashing with only about 40 kms range left in tank. I am hoping that the heavy foot wrist on the 400 series HWYs is the cause of this and I don't have to monitor this for the rest of the day. I pumped about 16L of some premium but cheap Native fuel at the Wahta Mohawk fuel station. This confirms that my fuel gauge is working fine, just higher consumption at higher speeds.

Back onto Hwy 400 to HWY 169 (Muskoka Rd 169) to Peninsula Rd. Traveling through Port Sandfield, Minett and a stop in Rosseau at 632 and Hwy 141
I haven't had a coffee yet so I figured I would grab a quick one. Not a sit down place, just a quick corner store/bakery coffee and danish. Quick coffee turns into a 25 min chat with a random local. He was a rider at some point in his earlier life etc... I guess that makes it OK but another 20 min behind. lol


Rosseau Bakery

I continued onto Aspdin via Muskoka Road 3 with a sharp left onto Yearley Rd. This was my connecting road to HWY 518. Not bad at first but after 15kms to was my first unexpected encounter with gravel today. Not a big problem but it was 12 more kms of it so obviously slowed me down. Oh well, learn to plan better next time. I should have continue a little further on Road 3 instead, and take a left at Etwell Rd, towards Ravenscliffe Rd, then north onto 518.


Start of loose gravel at Yearley Rd and Rome Rd.
I really don't mind it. After all its an ADV bike.

Back in the west direction towards Parry Sound via HWY 518. Then, as suggest by @shanekingsley onto McDougall Rd and Hurdville Rd and back onto HWY 124 then Ahmic Lake Road and Old Nippising Road.


Shot of McKellar Bay

Another surprise, as the first few kms south of HWY 124 are also loose gravel. I almost turned around just so I don't waste any more time. Thankfully I didn't as it turned into a paved road and it was a great road.

I am now reaching Screaming Heads as requested by Shane. lol.
Amongst the first set of "heads", I have the pleasure to meet Peter Camani. The owner and created and self described garbage collector of this place. I get to learn a little about the history of this place and about his worries of what will happen to this place after he is gone. He has no one to leave it to. He tells me a little about the process of how each of the statues are made and how he doesn't live by a schedule. That is why the latest art installment took four years to create. Surprisingly , this is all self funded thanks to a great teachers pension plan. All the proceeds from the booths on the grounds go to charity. I should have snapped a photo with him, but I didnt.


Screaming heads


My new riding gear.

At this point I'm hungry so I stop at the main attraction of this ride, the "Best Pierogi" place in Burk's Falls. This is my first time trying these. Of course I could only ask for the classic, cottage cheese and potato. Who the heck eats poutine pierogi or some Mexican style or Pizza infused flavor. That's blasphemy


Curb Your Appetite, Burks Falls


Classic Pierogi

At this point I realize I am about two hours behind schedule. Again, as SK suggested, I skip the next section of the ride. I have had my share of loose gravel today and I am able to save about 50 min or so. Onto Huntsville I go.


Personally, nostalgic photo. Hillside just outside of Huntsville.

I used to park our car in this exact spot where the bike is standing, when going to a family friends cottage (seen in the distance of the photos) on an island just outside of Huntsville. He owned three cottages on one island, Sadly he passed away 13 years ago. That's when out cottage visits to this place ended. RIP

HWY 60 east towards and onto HWY 35. Then Kushog Lake Road and Deep Bay Road. This would be the last exciting leg of the ride.
A few more pics


Somewhere along Kushog Lake Road


Since I was in the region, I needed to get my fix of Kawartha Diary ice cream. But the line was too long.

At this point I'm at the south end of Deep Bay Road and HWY 35. The fun is over and its time to high tail it home. Just a matter of which way. Either HWY 35 to 407 but that will be a hefty 407 bill or take the back roads to at last HWY 404. I decide on the cheaper option as I contemplate flip plate bracket. lol


Carving Gallery at Deep Bay Rd and HWY 35

I notice the Kawartha Dairy Cone at the Coboconk Go-Kart and Ice Cream Parlour, so I decide to pull in.



Mint Chip and Muskoka Mocha. Great flavour combo.

Going through the Georgina area was a bit of a PITA. Lots of people using HWY 48 to get to HWY 404. Also, heading west with the sun coming down making it a little difficult but manageable with a tinted visor.

One more stop to grab the latest Photo Tag since I was in the area. I figured this was obligation to bring back to the west.

As I get into Milton, it looks like I may have just missed some rain, or lots of it. However, the clouds over the Escarpment look really cool.


Milton Escarpment

Overall, a GREAT ride. Weather was great. I don't think it could have been any better.
I had plenty of water to keep me hydrated in the top case along with a "camelback" so I can sip away while riding.
Pierogi were good even thought they were mini size and deep fried. Worth another trip to Burk's Falls for another portion.

Day ended at home at approx. 8:40 pm with 875kms under the belt. I was tempted to ride around the neighborhood to reach at least 900 kms but I have done over 900 kms before so this wouldn't be a first. I will plan my next one to go over 1000 kms. Funny enough I don't know what my prosomal best it in one day but I know its over 900 kms.

A few other notes:

Things I learned:

-Get better at time management.
-Leave on time.
-Check tires pressure and lube chain the night before and not the morning of.
-Keep chatting with local to a minimum if you are stopping.

I planned my route via MyRouteApp and imported the GPX file to my ZumoXT. I need to get better a modifying the route on the go and directly on the GPS unit. I ended up modifying the route on the MyRouteApp on my phone, then downloading it and sending it to the GPS unit. As convenient as this was to do wirelessly, it still eat up a lot of time.
I think I accidently added a POI while editing it and it was messing up the route. Maybe I should break up the route into two or three "legs" or GPX files that area easier to manage instead of one large route.

Bring more then you think you will need. Which I usually do when travelling. This time I only brought 50 Canadian pesos. I left $35 at Screaming Heads for a T-shirt and some stickers. This made me $2 short for a large portion of pierogi. (They are a Cash only operatoin) Again, I wasted time looking for a Toonie in my tank bag, jacket etc. At the end, I needed to ride down the street to fuel up at the has station (which I needed to do anyways) and get some cash back.

Road Condition:
Upper Big Chute Road
-Section just north of Coldwater and up to Severn Falls is freshly paved.

Yearley Rd,
-Loose gravel on the top half. Between Rome Rd cemetery and HWY 518

-Ahmic Rd
-Loose Gravel for a few kms just south of HWY 124. Maybe 5 kms

Overall it was a great and successful day. Myself and the bike came home in one piece.

Thanks for watching reading, and apologies for the really long ride report. I think this is my first proper ride report, if you can call it that. Longer than I expect but I tried to share as much as I could for others to benefit from it. Please provide feedback.

I am also including the GPX file for those that are interested. I starts and end at the Kind City Gas station.


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Good Stuff!
That ice cream looked good!
Peter Camani sure is an interesting dude. If you go back up there and walk well past the castle and buildings, you will see the structures in the back where the Harvest parties were thrown for many years. Really cool space and glad you got a souvenir!
I'd be down for a fall colours pierogi run!
Great ride. Sorry you didn't get any company for it.
Port Carling or maybe Rosseau would be about my physical daily limit and since you were pushing beyond that I didn't want to impede/impose.
@Wind Shear
Too bad you did not come. It would have been a pleasure to have you even if it was for part of the route only. Don't feel like you would be impeding.

I wouldn't expect anyone to ride for as long as I did or as fast or slow as I do.
Ride at the level your are comfortable with.
Awesome ride, and would love to join you one of these days. But scrambler won't be as fast as your big boy bike.

Let's plan something for August. I just pulled the Scrambler off FBMP and Kijiji, I'll hold off for a few more weeks.
Awesome ride, and would love to join you one of these days. But scrambler won't be as fast as your big boy bike.

Let's plan something for August. I just pulled the Scrambler off FBMP and Kijiji, I'll hold off for a few more weeks.
Don't judge a book by its cover.
I'm not as fast as you may think I am.

Let's do it.
@mimico_polak @oioioi I’ve ridden with both of you - neither of you are slow - just safe.
You two should ride together - would be a good match and you can understand each other when speaking the mother tongue and debating boiled vs fried!
@mimico_polak @oioioi I’ve ridden with both of you - neither of you are slow - just safe.
You two should ride together - would be a good match and you can understand each other when speaking the mother tongue and debating boiled vs fried!
Thats a polite way of putting it.

Maybe we can have a Pierogi stand off. Whose pierogi are better? @mimico_polak's moms pierogi or my mom's pierogi. Maybe we can the MIL to be the judge.
Thats a polite way of putting it.

Maybe we can have a Pierogi stand off. Whose pierogi are better? @mimico_polak's moms pierogi or my mom's pierogi. Maybe we can the MIL to be the judge.
I think the only way to really know is to have a non-Polish person objectively judge, for which am eminently qualified.
I think the only way to really know is to have a non-Polish person objectively judge, for which am eminently qualified.
You are right, MIL would have a vested interest in picking her side. .

You are hired. Cheque is in the mail. ;)
Excellent report, clearly Lightcycle and Shane’s report’s have rubbed off on you. Was quite amused by the description of screaming heads! Thanks for sharing wish I could have joined you, hopefully next time. Going off route I find is part of the fun of riding, I do this all the time.

Sent from the Moon!
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