MTOhp - Motorcycle Training Organization of Halton/Peel - New Locations!

The answer is always a Grom.
Does MTOHP have muliple grom(s) ?

Do they actually have them ? ... or were you kidding ?

I may end up riding one, but if feels like "cheating" in a way, not being a full size bike

It would be nice if your website listed the actual bikes you have

Does MTOHP have muliple grom(s) ?

Do they actually have them ? ... or were you kidding ?

I may end up riding one, but if feels like "cheating" in a way, not being a full size bike

It would be nice if your website listed the actual bikes you have

I don’t work for them.

But I wasn’t kidding, the best bikes for m1 exit are Groms.

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