I know, its just im worried ill panic/choke again ****
Bingo! I think i know how to solve this for the retest
"Do not shift gears while you are turning. A rough, jerky downshift can cause the rear wheel to lock, resulting in a skid. Applying too much power can cause the rear tire to lose traction, also resulting in a skid. It is best to shift gears before entering a turn"
Thats from the MTO
sounds good, i think i should be ok this saturday for the retest
If they said retest rather than redo, then they know that you can pass the test.
Otherwise, they would have asked you to start over. Everything on the test, you did on the course.
The turn on the compound curve might even be sharper than that on the test.
I don't recall anywhere that you actually need to downshift.
You can go through the first curve faster if you do upshift, but without short shifting.
Think of it as an evaluation of what you learned, rather than a test.