With all due respect, I wouldn't be able to operate if I didn't have windows in my home computers. For mobile a different platform might be okay, but to operate at efficiency and speed I need windows.
Hence my statement that
I (
personally and
individually) do not have a need to run m$-anything for
my (and no one else's) work/day-to-day activities. There was a time when I did because of ASAP Utilities and Bonavista Microcharts as they weren't written for office suites other than m$ office. Nowadays, my spreadsheet needs are simpler and a Linux box is great for my needs, such as browsing, e-mail, chatting, multimedia playback, light image editing, word processing, light spreadsheet work, running virtual machines to VPN into work and light video editing.
Would that be the case for everyone? Nope. Some people need advanced features of Photoshop and the GIMP just won't do. Others need some obscure software packages, such as Geosoft Oasis Montaj and ArcGIS, that aren't written for Linux desktops (or weren't last time I had to use them). Others may need highly specialized office suite plugins that aren't written for Libre Office. Others may be heavily into gaming on their PC (my wife and I do console instead) and Steam's Linux offerings just won't do. There are a few people who NEED m$ products and I understand them.
I was fortunate to have bought a high-end laptop that only came with Windows Vista and no "downgrade" to XP option back in 08. The instability was terrible, so I decided to try dual-booting Linux. It met my needs at the time, and I never looked back. If I wanted to run Windows, I could. I blow more on ammo in a typical week than I would on a clean 7 license. Here are some reasons why I don't:
1) It would feel sluggish
2) It would slow down my workflow
3) I'd need to worry about malware all the time
4) I'd lose the comfort of knowing that my operating system is built with performance and security in mind and the code is constantly reviewed by a large community of both private and corporate contributors. If any bad code goes into my operating system, somebody WILL raise a stink over it. I could review it myself if I were that much of a nerd. Try to get your hands on the windows or osx source code lol
5) I'd go through all that hassle over something that wouldn't just fail to make my computing experience better - it's guaranteed to make it worse
To each his own. I found what works for me