Hope she doesn't change her mind when you're actually married. I can hear it already "We're married now, time to grow up and sell your bike" :lmao:
Ive lost riding buddies to wives like this before hahaha
I even had friends who just got girlfriends, and all of the sudden they are incapable of making their own decisions anymore.
Thats why i said to the OP to get a new wife/fiance and go with the bike And in cali of all places? Its motorcycle heaven! lol
If you're gonna spend the rest of your life with someone thats a "buzzkill" you'll be miserable.
The ex tried to tell me my car was a mid life crisis car and was totally against me having a bike for fear I'd die. My mum is the same way. So I ditched the ex, kept the car, bought a gixxer and just visit mum when I have to
Living in Cali, any bike would be fun. Not like you wouldn't get to ride it a lot.