moving bike while turned off?

I always push my Virago into and out of my garage while turned off. Always backed in so getting out in the morning is easier.
I've trained my wife to do likewise. She has a harder time getting it onto the centre stand though...
Welcome, you will find this site full of humor... I almost need a tow truck to push my tank.
no worries about the humour, i enjoyed it. especially while at work! I'm 32 and just started riding this spring after i passed my M2 course. I'm riding a used Ninja 250.
the reason i wanted to ask was because i did hear a low clicking sound when rolling the bike into it's spot

You didn't have to push a book around on the course?
As long as its in neutral, its fine. You don't really want to make a habit of doing that in gear while its off.
There is nothing wrong with moving the bike while is off..

Don't listen to these jackasses about power steering lol, funny but for someone that has very little bike knowledge this can be confusing. If the pic is your actual bike, I would suggest grabbing the little strip on the top of your rear seat, that will give you a lot more confidence when moving the bike

Dont listen to this guy, he doesnt even have a bike. He just shows up at Timmies wearing racing leathers, and mooches coffee's off people saying he forgot his wallet.
I heard a few girls actually beat him up last year at L&L for trying to take upskirt pictures with a camera built in his shoe.
Dont listen to this guy, he doesnt even have a bike. He just shows up at Timmies wearing racing leathers, and mooches coffee's off people saying he forgot his wallet.
I heard a few girls actually beat him up last year at L&L for trying to take upskirt pictures with a camera built in his shoe.


good thing they didn't find the one in his hat for the down-shirt shots.
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