It looks as if though the "lets make a movie based on every single comic book hero" phase has passed and we have hit the "lets cash in on the movies that did o.k. a few years ago and make a gazillion sequels...." phase has hit with a vengeance. How many res. evil movies is that now? 5? 10?
Here's a list of JUST the sequels coming out this year
Men in Black 3
Madagascar 3
American Pie 4
Underworld 4
Wrath of Titans
Star Trek 2
Ice Age 4 (REALLY!?!?)
Bourne Legacy
GI Joe 2
Monsters Inc 2
Ghost Busters 3
Die Hard 5 (OMG DIE ALREADY!!)
There are another 20 or so SEQUELS that are in Development, such as Indiana Jones 5, Mad Max 4, Ironman 3, 28 Months later and.........i cant believe this...Austin Powers 4
Basically, ANY and i do mean ANY good movie in the last 20 years has a prequel or sequel in development. How many will come of fruition is unknown but i am looking forward to some. Independence Day has not one but two movies scheduled to begin filming...Seeing as how that was one of THE biggest movies to start the whole "summer blockbuster" type of movie i am looking forward to see how they will butch....i mean add to the storyline.