Move or euthanize?

As much as I believe in freedom of speech, I believe this is equivalent to someone coming right up in your face and shouting explicities(sp?).

Your spelling's way off on that one. Try sounding it out. That should get you more than halph way there.

Also, ya, bad letter.:mad: Shoulda gone with the pink stationary. Everybody loves irony.
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Agreed, the letter was overboard but at the same time, who knows how bad it really was/is, and not fair to any neighbourhood to have a mentally ill person sitting outside wailing and screaming all day long, maybe the person writing the letter just snapped because they were so fed up of listening to it.

I used to have a schizophrenic nieghbour and she thought people were wire tapping her house and could hear them whispering, so she would sit in her house with the windows open screaming obscenities, and going off as if someone was murdering her. She would do this all day, and there was nothing the cops could do about it. She lived 3 houses away and you could heat every word she was saying, in broad daylight, kids and families outside playing.

Not trying to be an *** about this but what's the difference between the noise generated by a bunch of ankle biters and the noise from a sick neighbour? I don't have kids for a reason and don't want to hear them screaming and shouting while playing either. At least with someone that's ill they can't help it, kids could **** off to the nearest park and cause all the noise they want.
I noticed the TV station reporters did not record the noises the kid was making. Maybe that would have given the Monday morning Quarter backs a better idea of what the letter writer was so frustrated about. Working occasionally with disabled kids I sometimes see the look of hopelessness and disrepair in the parents eyes. Robert Latimer comes to mind. I'm not defending the letter, sure there was a better way. But it done now and lets just hope there is no physical violence or vandalism to the letter writer or their property. As far as the members here who believe the writer should be beaten to within an inch of their lives, really? Over a piece of paper written out of frustration.
I don't believe I said they should be beaten, I said if they put that letter in my hands, I would beat them to within an inch of their life. Out of frustration. Try to imagine that's your kid.
However, my kids do not sit in the yard screaming, they're not allowed. Neither is my dog. I happen to respect my neighbors, and don't intrude on their life. Perhaps instead of picking on a disabled child, they should have written a nasty letter to the ****** parent who leaves their autistic child alone in the yard, if that is this case.
If you don't live with someone who has a disability, you don't know.
Perhaps instead of picking on a disabled child, they should have written a nasty letter to the ****** parent who leaves their autistic child alone in the yard, if that is this case.


Is that not EXACTLY what the writer of said letter did? (although in a very unforgiving way).
Is that not EXACTLY what the writer of said letter did? (although in a very unforgiving way).

Regardless, how exactly does one ask nicely....? I mean I can't think of anyway to say it without offending the parent so I'd rather just not say it. There this autistic kid who comes by to my house everyday when I'm off work and says "nice motorcycle" then stares at me until I park it, and go inside. I don't mind this but a wailing noise all afternoon would be a different story; especially on breaks where I flip my sleep pattern lol
I'm not saying this is what happened, but what if the letter writer did approach the family earlier and was rebuffed or maybe told to F 0ff? Maybe the parents are stressed out also and they have given up trying to make the autistic kid socially acceptable? Is it because of a lack of community resources or programs available? The main strem media does not ask these questions! They just want conflict and sensationalism!
Maybe I'm looking at things the wrong way. My neighbors teenage kid who "plays with his band" in the garage all hours? Euthanasia. My other neighbor behind me (hey Chris) who fires up his Harley with of course straight pipes at 5:00 am every day? Euthanasia! Property values can only go up, tranquil, serene...:D
I have a 7 year old son, diagnosed with autism at age 3, at age 6 he was reassessed as asbergers. We as a family have had to face a lot of challenges, but nothing compared to what he will face in his future. I love my son very much but I understand that his behavior can be annoying to others. We have worked very hard to get him to a point where he can interact with others on a proper social level.
I am a reasonable person, and believe everyone has the right to their opinion. However, if a neighbour gave me this letter, I would beat them to within an inch of their life! Useless, self centered, piece of ****! Just sayin...
Hey man, if you haven't already checked it out, look into "MEHRI" and Dr. Stuart Shanker. He's a specialist in autism and self-regulation. Although your kid's on the older side of the spectrum, I'm sure someone at MEHRI could help you. Autism was a genuine research interest of mine in University and we're lucky to have this dude here.
Not trying to be an *** about this but what's the difference between the noise generated by a bunch of ankle biters and the noise from a sick neighbour? I don't have kids for a reason and don't want to hear them screaming and shouting while playing either. At least with someone that's ill they can't help it, kids could **** off to the nearest park and cause all the noise they want.

If a dog wailed, shreiked, yelled, barked or whatever, all day long I would feel the same, as would most. It's like having an unruley neighbour who is throwing parties or blasting loud music, every day, not many would be ok with that, so i believe this is the same, they're disturbing their neighbours. And again, who knows how bad it really was, what the kid was saying, over and over again, every day..... because your kid is ill, it shouldnt be the responsibility of the public to deal with it, it is yours.

This is just like my old neighbour, it was absolutely horrid listening to this lady scream like that, that some of the kids in the neighbourhood were afraid to go by her house or even go outside because they could hear what she was saying, why should anyone have to put up with that?
the author of the letter may have actually had a valid complaint in regards to noise.... she just went about voicing that complaint in a horrendous way that would garner absolutely no sympathy whatsoever. She could have just called by-law and reported this excessive noise that continued for prolonged periods of time... or you know, knocked on the door of the house and had an adult conversation.

A child has a right to play, sure.. but your rights do not trump another person's rights to a "reasonable" amount of enjoyment in their own backyard.
then there is this...

A North Carolina family with an epileptic child was given a touching gift on Friday when an anonymous stranger paid for their dinner at a restaurant, leaving them a note that is, not surprisingly, going viral online.

The note read: "God only gives special children to special people."

The message was delivered to Ashley England and her family, including her 8-year-old son, Riley, at the Stag-N-Doe pizza restaurant in China Grove, N.C., on Friday by a waitress.

"I'll try to do this without crying," the waitress told the family, according to "But another customer has paid for your bill tonight and wanted me to give you this note."
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