Motorcycles in HOV lanes - Petition and Protest! | Page 3 |

Motorcycles in HOV lanes - Petition and Protest!

I completely agree that bikes take up just as much road space as a car (at least when other cars aren't riding in our space) so I understand the 2 up rule for HOV lanes. I feel no entitlement to use them.

The only arguments that come to mind in our favour are...

1. Motorcyclists are in the vast minority so getting them out of regular traffic is a plus provided that the HOV lanes have capacity for them (as mentioned the HOV can get congested due to slow drivers and single occupant vehicles).

2. Motorcycles MAY fall under "green" vehicles. There's been a lot to debunk this but generally speaking bikes tend to have better fuel economy that the average car. This means fewer fillups and less exhaust fumes venting into the atmosphere. Unfortunately, a lot of bikes also release more pollutants per volume of exhaust gas.
good idea. but you have a better shot at what OP suggests, than getting 50 bikers to ride 99 on a highway

We only need about 40-60 guys/gals to cause a little logjam on the highway/major roads. And we won't be breaking any laws if we ride 1km below the limit...
2. Motorcycles MAY fall under "green" vehicles. There's been a lot to debunk this but generally speaking bikes tend to have better fuel economy that the average car. This means fewer fillups and less exhaust fumes venting into the atmosphere. Unfortunately, a lot of bikes also release more pollutants per volume of exhaust gas.

I think it may be the other way around, I doubt a bike's cat is as efficient as a car's and pound for pound a moto may make pollute more than an auto
We only need about 40-60 guys/gals to cause a little logjam on the highway/major roads. And we won't be breaking any laws if we ride 1km below the limit...

Actually it's been tried before on the 401 out near Cobourg I think, and the drivers were convicted of impeding the flow of traffic or something like that. Rightly too, since they created kilometers of congestion behind them which could have cost lives if an emergency vehicle had to get through.

It's best to pretend that PSY's reply in this thread never existed.
We only need about 40-60 guys/gals to cause a little logjam on the highway/major roads. And we won't be breaking any laws if we ride 1km below the limit...

You will get more bikers coming to an ice cream meet in this city than you will get for such a protest.
They MTO pretty much copies California's HOV model and PURPOSELY excluded motorcycles when it was implemented here.
What does that tell you?
油井緋色;1919145 said:
Because 2-4 motorcycles = one car.

Will the 2-4 motorcycles be riding across from each other in the same lane or will you put 2 and 2 in order to occupy the same footprint as a large car or minivan.

Maybe cops just don't know? lol... I've met a lot of police officers who don't know the small nit-picked parts of the law to charge people with.

It's like saying that the pilot doesn't know how to operate a plane or a mechanic doesn't know how some parts of the engine work. They just don't care.
Actually it's been tried before on the 401 out near Cobourg I think, and the drivers were convicted of impeding the flow of traffic or something like that. Rightly too, since they created kilometers of congestion behind them which could have cost lives if an emergency vehicle had to get through.

It's best to pretend that PSY's reply in this thread never existed.

I disagree. This issue does not effect TTC and Go Train users. Take it to the source.
As the other poster stated the point, what benefit is in it for non riders.

Uhm Cobourg, who the hell were they trying to press the point upon?
It can be done properly within the GTA.
As for emergency vehicles they have their own lanes. Hmmm, dedicated lanes for a particular type of vehicle for improved safety and efficiency.
Will the 2-4 motorcycles be riding across from each other in the same lane or will you put 2 and 2 in order to occupy the same footprint as a large car or minivan.


Neither... proper formation for bikes would be....

. I
. I

cant be sharing lanes... thus taking up more physical space than a car/van
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Uhm Cobourg, who the hell were they trying to press the point upon?
It can be done properly within the GTA.
As for emergency vehicles they have their own lanes. Hmmm, dedicated lanes for a particular type of vehicle for improved safety and efficiency.

The protest you're referring to was sometime in the early- or mid-90s, and clogged traffic on the 401 near Woodstock, back when that highway had only two lanes. The driver in the left lane was charged with obstructing traffic by not overtaking, but I believe the charge never stuck and it was all thrown out.

But this isn't going to happen with any protest I'm a part of, because it will only piss drivers off. The plan right now is to ride in April on the highway alongside the HOV lanes from both north and west to reach an appropriate meeting point, and then to present a petition to the appropriate person. Some riders, including myself, may choose to ride in the HOV lane, but nobody will be expected to break any law.

And the incentive here is not to permit riders to just travel more quickly and comfortably into the city for the sake of being nice, but to encourage them to bring their motorcycles into the city for their commute, instead of their cars, and hence take up less room on city streets for parking and getting around. Because the motorcyclists will merge easily with traffic where the lanes end, and will not slow or congest traffic in those lanes, and will be uncomfortable in heat or cold or rain sitting at a standstill in the regular lanes so will prefer to use their cars to drink coffee and listen to the radio, there's really no reason to not encourage them to use the HOV lanes.

I'm meeting this week with the MMC to brainstorm ways to most effectively take all this forward. If anyone has any constructive comments to offer, please let me know!

And as for Twisted Kestrel, who asked:
Wait, Mark Richardson? That Mark Richardson?

Yup, that's me. Former Toronto Star motorcycle columnist, Wheels editor and current everything auto columnist, turning activist.
Neither... proper formation for bikes would be....

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cant be sharing lanes... thus taking up more physical space than a car/van

I forgot to use a ? on my post.
I just wanted to know how he has going to make 2-4 bikes fit in the same footprint as 1 car on the road.

As you stated, what is the reason they should allow bikes in the HOV lanes.
Like duh, our Govt. need the time to line their pockets with our "mysteriously" lost tax dollars.
I think it may be the other way around, I doubt a bike's cat is as efficient as a car's and pound for pound a moto may make pollute more than an auto

Yea that's the caveat I was trying to point out at the end there but guess I didn't articulate clearly. I agree with you.
You know come to think of it what if this was approached differently.
Instead of having bikers sign a petition alone why not get regular car drivers to do this also.
Tell them it is something they can do to help keep us safer and out of their way.
I think a lot of people would go for that because they do fear hitting a motorcycle since they fear it pretty much can result on serious injury or death and they do NOT want to have that on their conscious for the rest of their life.

People rarely vote on's all about feelings
Neither... proper formation for bikes would be....

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. I

cant be sharing lanes... thus taking up more physical space than a car/van

Last thing i want is some donkey i don't know riding staggered formation with me on my commute.
Last thing i want is some donkey i don't know riding staggered formation with me on my commute.

In his example they will ride next to you.
Why do you dislike your fellow riders that you call them donkeys?
In his example they will ride next to you.
Why do you dislike your fellow riders that you call them donkeys?

I don't want some body i don't know riding anywhere near me on a commute.

Sure the staggered formation is okay for group rides. But that's the only time.
I've had the pleasure to know Mark R. professionally. He's a good guy who means what he says. And he has a wonderful knack of pizzing off just the right people to get his point across. We need more journalists and citizens like him.

Count me in.

- Thomas D.

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