Kinda. Sorta. that's Danforth ROAD and Danforth AVENUE ... similar, yet different.Danforth and Danforth in Toronto. Our am I not supposed to mention that?
New tag: your bike with a carousel, aka Merry-go-round.
SOB, I know EXACTLY where to go to get this one, and it's a super close ride to where half of my bike is... Yup, half of my bike.
Buddy and I were painting my bike last week while I was home in Simcoe on vacation time, should have been a 2 or 3 day job, but even after 90 minutes of cure time before we masked up the first colour, it wasn't as cured as it should have been, the news paper we masked off with ended up sticking. So my parts got wet sanded and re-sprayed yesterday. So I have to make a special trip home (6-7 hours one way) to grab my body work and tank.
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New: Your bike next to another bike of the same make and model, owned by a stranger
You need to find a porta potty which is neither green nor blue.
Does it count if you're the *reason* it's (no longer) green or blue?
This should count.. Pizza Hut about 100m from a no name place. I found two that were about 15 feet apart with one store in between, but it would have been horribly illegal to park there...
New: Your bike near a wind turbine in a farmer's field