Motorcycle MP3 Playlist - 2011 Edition

I don't listen to tunes while riding, but if I did... it'd probably be '70s / '80s / progressive rock.

When I'm preparing to ride, or thinking about riding, the songs I think of...

Pink Floyd - Interstellar Overdrive
Van Halen - You Really Got Me
AC/DC - Sin City
A Perfect Circle - The Hollow
Kiss - Gods of Thunder
Eagles of Death Metal - Shasta Beast
Kyuss - Green Machine
Iron Maiden - Hallowed be thy Name
Black Crowes - Stop Kicking my Heart Around
Tool - 4 Degrees
Black Sabbath - Sweet Leaf
Rolling Stones - Midnight Rambler
Judas Priest - Electric Eye
Queens of the Stone Age - A Song for the Deaf
Rush - Fly By Night

We're all different. Of all the posters, I bet I ride the slowest bike but listen to the loudest music.
What did you expect. Even Britney uses dubstep in her songs.

As for an awesome mix for riding, Crystal Method Drive: Nike + Original Run

You sure it's Britney using it or the producer remixing her song?
Anyways, off the top of my head over lunch a couple of us came up with:

Neil Young - She Rides a Harley Davidson
Low Rider
John The Revelator (Sons of Anarchy SNDTRK)
Metalica - Where Ever I May Roam
GnR - Civil War
Bon Jovi - Dead or Alive
ChiliPeppers - Scar Tissue
Ministry of Sound has some great mixes.

Sent from my Desire HD
+1 to MOH mixes. If any of you guys are into progressive house, Pete Tong's MOH mixes are pretty good. I've had Wonderland 2009 for about a year now and I still listen to it. When I do long rides, I listen to trance or Euro.

Here's a trance track that I've been riding/driving to a lot, lately: System F - Out of the blue (throttle goes wide open at 2:30 :D)

Deadmau5 = HR 8938 (he should really do house more often)

If any of you guys are into grime, MOH has a series called "Sounds of bassline". Grime tends to have really good dubstep drops (I can't listen to too many dubstep tracks in a row. It's all the same crap) and I love the upbeat r&b
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Argg, I can't stand that stuff.
Basically over-agressive drum and bass.....then again, I'm a house-junkie so that's probably why.

Give me some actual recommendations for a playlist (not electronic)

My play list also is my work out list.

White Zombie
Alice in Chains
barington Levy
Chemical Brothers
Rage Against The Machine
Beastie Boys
Jay-Z (black album)
Nine Inch Nails
Tribe Called Quest
I used to wear ear phones while riding and after a few rides not wearing them I haven't looked back. It's such a distraction and there's no way you could hear a horn or tires squealing from a driver stopping suddenly behind you. I wear ear plugs now and use a shoei qwest helmet and it completely blocks all wind noise but you can hear horns clear as day. Riding with headphones is dangerous imo
I use a pair of Shure passive noise cancellation headphones with the foam ear plug attachments. Without music on they act as ear plugs, but more importantly when I turn on the music I only need minimum volume and I can clearly hear the music and horns.

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calvin harris- flashback
gareth emery- sanctuary
super8&tab- my enemy
andrew rayel- Aether
david guetta- louder than words
deadmau5- a city in florida
benny benassi- cinema (laid back luke, original and skrillex)
flux pavilion- i can't stop

plus about 300ish more trance, progressive house and house tracks
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Hoaahh, I've just been introduced to dubstep. I LOVE IT! Got any suggestions for downloads?

Ive been listening to dubstep for a couple years now, and you cant go wrong with and datsik or excision tracks while riding, gets me pumped. Actually just download the whole discography. But be prepared, it adds (feels like) 10HP to your bike ;).
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