Motorcycle mechanic apprenticeship for a middle-aged guy?

If its what you would like to try, and wifey can hold a parachute , go do it. Life is too short to not have a go at something you might really like. If in two yrs your not happy , your not really any further behind. You can from there move to a lot of other hands on type industry.

And its always easier to find a job, when you have a job.
Yes, that's the spirit! 🍻
I like bikes but if I was looking at a career as a mechanic I would probably be looking at automotive repair. People always need cars fixed. They cannot avoid the bill. There is always work (much less in January as they pay xmas bills but feb picks up again). Bikes are boom/bust and people can afford to delay work forever when times are tough. Bikes are fun but financially I don't see why you would pick them. Most mechanics now are diagnosticians and part swappers. Very little "repair" happens regardless of the number of wheels.

Talk to your local shops/dealers. They may have some useful insight.
I don't think auto repair is a healthy trade in Ontario right now. I'm sure there are some shops to work for that are alright, but in general pay isn't great, working conditions suck, and there is a large pool of people that are technically mechanics that you are competing with. There are other mechanic trades to look at that are better to start in, like pretty much anything else.
From my personal experience of buying mobility assistance devices. ($$$$$) There is a lack of qualified techs. It's not rocket science, just mechanical and a bit of electrical. With the boomers getting older, there is a lot of money to be made.
We have used this company mostly.
I had numerous offers over the years too work in the mc business. Never wanted to turn my passion into the 9 to 5.
I get that. I was a bit wary about starting the guitar biz in 2017 for the same reason. There are definitely cons, and I sometimes get tired of hearing/playing the same test riffs over and over, but then I remind myself that I'm paying the bills by doing something I used to do for free in my spare time, as opposed to doing something that's completely disconnected from my personal interests. That's what ultimately drives me.

(I already have someone lined up to take over the guitar thing which would become a semi-passive income stream.)
Part of what makes a hobby enjoyable is that you don't *have* to do it if you don't want to.

When you get tired or bored of a hobby, you always have the option of putting it down and doing something else. Not true if you have *have* to work at your hobby to pay for the roof over your head and to put food on the table.

IMO, if my hobby was lucrative enough that I could turn down business anytime I wanted to, then maybe I'd turn it into an occupation.

However, I feel like I have other skills that net me way more income for what little time I have to spend doing a job I wasn't passionate about.

This leaves me more time to play around with hobbies that net me zero income. Or not play around if I don't want to.

Money buys time.
Thanks, I saw that. Would love to work for GP, just not sure Etobicoke<>Whitby is a viable commute.
You would be traveling in the opposite direction of of rush hour, maybe see if you could do it part-time to get your feet wet, see if you really enjoy it. They are always hiring people I'm sure they would work with you. It would be a great training ground.

I look at the 401, thousands of people going from Oshawa/Whitby to Toronto every morning. I'd rather commute the opposite direction. :D

I get it, and its just me , i couldn't do it. Burn through a car every 3-4yrs ? and all that time. My longest commute ever was 30mins and I swore after 6 months when I was out I would never do it again.

We had a MC tech that used to post here a lot helping with bike problems , really smart yamaha guy. He was one of the best , but didn't recommend the trade. I believe he is still in the biz but in AB now.
It's kinda funny to me to read all the posts about how mechanics get paid so poorly when so many b*tch about the cost of having their vehicle serviced. So who's getting rich ?
The banks.
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