Motorcycle key cutting options

Don't ever get a key cut at Cdn Tire , homedepot etc...Take it to a lock smith ad get it done right
But if you do, keep the tag and receipt. If it doesnt work just take it back and get a refund.

Hell, if it does work, find a good looking key that you have no idea what its for and return that with the tag and receipt.

ooops...inside voice.
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I went to Henry's as posted above and $5 and 30 seconds later had a perfectly working spare key.
Don't ever get a key cut at Cdn Tire
Why not?
I'm curious what could the problem be. Keys are cut on a 'key cutting machine / grinder'. When a blank is placed in /on, the machine does the rest.
I've had keys cut at Cdn Tire for over 50 yrs. Not one issue, ever.
In Hamilton, unobtainable keys can usually be found at Ottawa St Lock & Key.
Very good service there.
I suspect it's more about who operates the machine and whether they know how to properly set it up, etc.

With those big box stores, there's often too much turn-around in staff that by the time they're using the machine properly they end up in a different dept or leave for a better job, etc.

It's no different than the oil change service at your local dealer or fast-lube place ... it's always the rookies doing those jobs and I've seen and heard of the stories there.

Having said that, yea you may get some old-timer who's been working the key cutting machine for years at the local Cdn Tire and he's the go-to guy to get paged when you show up.

With a locksmith, you've got a professional doing the job all the time.
Acme locksmiths at Lawrence and Warden are usually pretty good, they have a decent stock.

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