Busabim, there was a white Audi A4 in the left lane just a smidge behind me as we both approached the intersection, and I believe that he may have been slowing down to turn left himself, which may have been what caused the woman who turned left in front of me to do so. She must've not seen me (black bike, black leathers) with the contrasting white sedan next to me, saw his signal, figured it was safe to go, started turning and then saw me as I was barely approaching the crosswalk lines. That's when she panicked and stood on her brakes instead of nailing the gas to get the fvck out of the way. Too often people's first reaction is to hit the brakes and stop instead of assessing the situation using critical thinking skills and reacting accordingly. I could've easily shot left to barely avoid her back end had she continued at her set pace instead of altering it creating an obstacle for me.
I contacted my insurance broker, informed them of the accident, gave them the police accident report number, all pertinent info, my side of what happened, conditions, etc, and they did the rest. I believe they then contacted the other party's insurance requesting admission of liability (which they got right away, same day a couple hours later in fact). I think given the fact that the police report likely showed that she crossed oncoming traffic who had the right of way (me), she was at fault for a "turn not in safety" or potentially "failure to afford reasonable opportunity to avoid collision". I'm not sure since I don't have a copy of the report myself, only the driver's copy of the report info (basic info of both party's insurance, driver's licence, make/model of vehicle, location, time, officer name and badge number, etc).
Busabim, there was a white Audi A4 in the left lane just a smidge behind me as we both approached the intersection, and I believe that he may have been slowing down to turn left himself, which may have been what caused the woman who turned left in front of me to do so. She must've not seen me (black bike, black leathers) with the contrasting white sedan next to me, saw his signal, figured it was safe to go, started turning and then saw me as I was barely approaching the crosswalk lines. That's when she panicked and stood on her brakes instead of nailing the gas to get the fvck out of the way. Too often people's first reaction is to hit the brakes and stop instead of assessing the situation using critical thinking skills and reacting accordingly. I could've easily shot left to barely avoid her back end had she continued at her set pace instead of altering it creating an obstacle for me.
Oh well. The bike was consuming oil like crazy. It had almost 96k on it. I bought it at 14k, and it brought me to San Diego & LA and back in 2015. It was fun, and I got my money's worth out of it. It's probably better that the universe removed it from my possession before I went and sunk even more money into it (which I just sorta did, but meh). I'm mostly ****** off about the brand new tires I just put on it. Less than 1000k on a set of Dunlop Sportmax RoadSmart IIIs.
Make sure you advise the insurance of the new tires, if you provide receipts, they will reimburse you at full value for them, (unless of course you bought them 6 months ago and still only managed to put 100 km on them, which doesn't sound likely given the mileage of your bike..lol). Insurance will, also in SOME cases, pay for the install costs if just done, again WITH receipts.
Although you feel fine, just after the collision, you should still go see your physician, and have ALL injuries documented. it can sometimes take MONTHS, for injuries to become more pronounced. There is a reason lawsuits aren't filed until 2 years post claim. One of my injuries, (messed up thumb joint, and hand), didn't present as an issue for nearly 18 months, initially I just thought it was part of the achy aging process, but it became progressively worst. Some days the pain is rather intense now, which is a HUGE issue given I work with my hands.
Yes, absolutely, I hear you about the injury aspect. I've been down before, the most notable one was a ten-place left tibial plateau fracture that still gives me grief from time to time. That was nasty. I was in bed for two and a half months that time.
I've got an injury adjuster assigned to my case simply because it was a motorcycle incident. The claims person at my insurance company said they do that in all motorcycle cases because the injuries, like you point out, sometimes take a while to become apparent. My left hip is seriously sore. This is probably some of the worst bruising I've ever had, and has spread from my outer lower hip into the front of my thigh and into the left portion of my upper groin. Also have what appears to be an embolism on a part of my upper front thigh as well, which has since gotten a little better (my body is starting to reabsorb it, it seems). The pain and soreness is constant. Walking is affected at times. If it doesn't progress over the long weekend, I'll be contacting the insurance injury person on Tuesday to see what their recommendations are moving forward.
Appreciate all the advice and insight I'm getting here guys. Thank you all.
Also, could we maybe move this to another area? I'm not a 'fallen / in memory of' rider yet!
Hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
I had my first ambulance ride thanks to an embolism. They don't show up right away. 1 in 6 is fatal. I was lucky in that mine came on slowly and there was time to react.
I think we're on about two different things. I've looked and looked, and it seems I've mistaken embolism for something else that I don't know the proper name for...
What I was referring to is a collection of blood under the surface of my skin that's clotting and staying put. It's not a bruise (I have bruising as well that looks different). This is also in a different area than the trauma site itself (which is where most of the bruising is occurring).
I'm pretty sure I don't have any risk of an embolism from this. My lungs are fine, and my head never touched a thing (I'm getting really quite good at that. 4 for 4!)
What exactly happened in your case? Was head trauma the likely cause? Sounds like scary 5h!t regardless...