Motorcycle Adventures

Watched the Highland vid. With the helmet mounted cam the visuals seemed a little too intense as you swivel your head viewing. Of course it's natural for you but for me as a viewer it was a bit much. My 2cents.

Have arthritic hips and one side has been replaced already. So I'm interested in that side of things.

Best of luck with the channel.
Great input Tim, thank-you, yes I think I need to do more seeing nice shots and then taking the time to turn around and go back and get a smooth shot to the left and a smooth shot to the right if I'm headed over, say, a cool bridge.

Thanks for the thought, it's greatly appreciated. Good luck with the hips, for me it's all about keeping as active as possible and eating right to give my meds the best possible chance to get the job done. For me it was the feet they looked like my hands, had them completely rebuilt and 4 of 5 joints removed on each foot. 4 years later and I'm playing tennis again.

Cheers and again thank-you for your 2 cents!

Your sound is on point, and your video is on point, so you're already 10x better than my first 100 or so videos were lol.

As someone with a motorcycle channel with 19,000+ subscribers, here are 4 tips to take your videos another couple steps up, if you're interested, from least to most important:

4) I'd shorten the 30-second intro or get rid of it altogether. The people who aren't yet interested in you won't care for it, and the ones who are interested in you don't need to see it.

3) Your opening shot is 5 full minutes, where visually, nothing changes. That's a life sentence in YouTube's land of 15 second attention span audiences. It's a visual platform, and one of the golden rules is "Show, don't tell." So don't just mention how easily your bag/tablet/etc mount, or where you're going, show them different camera shots of whatever you mention, to keep the content engaging.

2) You need a hook in your first 10-20 seconds that addresses why people should care to watch your video. Something like: "Today I'm going to ride on North America's busiest highway, to get a smoking deal on these gloves, from my friend's non-traditional motorcycle business." Now viewers are thinking "How busy is this highway? How do i get a smoking deal on gloves? What makes his friend's business so peculiar? He's got my attention."
For another example of a hook, see my 1st and 2nd paragraph ;)

1) This one is most important. It's the law, and it's punishable by death. You can't, ever, tell people you're from "Downtown Toronto" in your video, and call it "Downtown Toronto". There is no such thing as "Downtown Toronto". Among the real, card carrying, Downtown Toronto-born-and-bred natives there is only "Downtown Churono" :cool:

Welcome to the club!

Adrian from YouMotorcycle
Your sound is on point, and your video is on point, so you're already 10x better than my first 100 or so videos were lol.

As someone with a motorcycle channel with 19,000+ subscribers, here are 4 tips to take your videos another couple steps up, if you're interested, from least to most important:

4) I'd shorten the 30-second intro or get rid of it altogether. The people who aren't yet interested in you won't care for it, and the ones who are interested in you don't need to see it.

3) Your opening shot is 5 full minutes, where visually, nothing changes. That's a life sentence in YouTube's land of 15 second attention span audiences. It's a visual platform, and one of the golden rules is "Show, don't tell." So don't just mention how easily your bag/tablet/etc mount, or where you're going, show them different camera shots of whatever you mention, to keep the content engaging.

2) You need a hook in your first 10-20 seconds that addresses why people should care to watch your video. Something like: "Today I'm going to ride on North America's busiest highway, to get a smoking deal on these gloves, from my friend's non-traditional motorcycle business." Now viewers are thinking "How busy is this highway? How do i get a smoking deal on gloves? What makes his friend's business so peculiar? He's got my attention."
For another example of a hook, see my 1st and 2nd paragraph ;)

1) This one is most important. It's the law, and it's punishable by death. You can't, ever, tell people you're from "Downtown Toronto" in your video, and call it "Downtown Toronto". There is no such thing as "Downtown Toronto". Among the real, card carrying, Downtown Toronto-born-and-bred natives there is only "Downtown Churono" :cool:

Welcome to the club!

Adrian from YouMotorcycle
Hey Adrian, this fantastic, thank-you so much, checking out your site and subscribing now. Oh and you have that correct, I grew up in Vancouver and my local friends I constantly tell me there's no second "T" pronounced in Toronto!!!! Thanks again!!! CD
Hey Adrian, this fantastic, thank-you so much, checking out your site and subscribing now. Oh and you have that correct, I grew up in Vancouver and my local friends I constantly tell me there's no second "T" pronounced in Toronto!!!! Thanks again!!! CD
I could smell the outoftowner from a mile away lol

PS: There's no first T pronounced in churono either :)
Watched the Highland vid. With the helmet mounted cam the visuals seemed a little too intense as you swivel your head viewing. Of course it's natural for you but for me as a viewer it was a bit much. My 2cents.

Have arthritic hips and one side has been replaced already. So I'm interested in that side of things.

Best of luck with the channel.
Thanks Tim,

Got another one done, video is all form same week away so it doesn't have any of your suggestions about head movement, but I think the editing is a little better and I tried to implement some of the thoughts in this thread...

Shortened intro, some maps of where I actually was on the trail, attempted hook to invite others along to see what we find. Fast forward some of the roads I wanted to should be they got too long in the tooth to watch.

See what people think...

Watched the Highland vid. With the helmet mounted cam the visuals seemed a little too intense as you swivel your head viewing. Of course it's natural for you but for me as a viewer it was a bit much. My 2cents.

Have arthritic hips and one side has been replaced already. So I'm interested in that side of things.

Best of luck with the channel.
Thanks Tim, I post a reply a while back thanking you, but I don't know what happened to it??? (probably forgot to hit the post button duh) So, sorry for the delay, yes I've since learned to be a little slower with the reaction while riding, stopping and doing a take just for those situation and slowing the video down in the editing app and zooming it in a bit. All based on your input!!!! The latest two videos of the Highlands are up now if you want to have a look and see some of the progress I've made based on you input!

Thanks Again!

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