Sent!May I please have the link as well? Thanks for going through all the work, it is very much appreciated....
Sent!May I please have the link as well? Thanks for going through all the work, it is very much appreciated....
I'm not usually a fan of magnet links so I don't use them. Is there a particular reason why you don't like the .torrent files? My torrent software generates magnet links for all the .torrents so it wouldn't be too hard for me to post them. I updated the MotoGP race with magnet links, test them out if possible.
Links sent!Thanks John!
Ahhh, I thought you had the link, makes sense. Nice I don't have to make magnet links then! I sent you the link. Let me know if you have any problem with torrent files....can't see where they are linked in the thread?
Can you PM to me the URL? Thanks
To upload a pic bigger then 17k use a picture hosting service like postimg. Make sure you have adblock plus installed for the browser you're trying to play it in. When the website player receives a lot of connections it starts playing ad's and starts showing virus links (watch now, download, DON'T CLICK THOSE), nothing I can do about that. To avoid that garbage you can open the .m3u8 link with VLC player and other video players, android, etc.
Hi John
Now I understand. Your answer gives me the clue, there is no need to send you the screenshot. It was a virus link.
I had being using your MOTOGP stream for a long time now, I know there is no a download in it. I closed it and click your 720p Canada server instead.
Now, the VLC player is new for me, I have to try that. I allways open it on Firefox that is the most universal and stable browser I have (since I remember that the Safari does not support it. well, I haven't try it on Safari lately).
I would like to make a small contribution to servers maintenance, would you please PM details to send it?
Thanks again John.
Donation info the same as before?MotoGP 2018 - Round 01 - Post-Race Press Conference - Qatar and TORRENT is up! Thanks everyone for all the donations, such weird currencies!! lolWith the donations I'll upgrade the MontrealSSD server bandwidth from 8TB to 16TB because it looks like everyone likes to use that server
Streaming both 1080p and 720p uses quite a bit more bandwidth than the 720p we were streaming last year (which I think we only ran out of bandwidth one once or twice, plus we had the Paris server to share the load too which we don't have anymore). Thanks again everyone, can't believe how smooth everything ran.
Any chance you can pm a link? Thanks
Perfect. If you look at the very top right of the coloured bars you can see a faint "x". When you click that it will try and give you some nasty pop-ups but then it should start the video stream! I took the live videos down on MontrealSSD to save bandwidth for the next race so if you want to test the live stream you'll have to do it on Amsterdamhere is the screenshot anyway :
Sent you PM just incase.Donation info the same as before?