This is the Marquez Doc coming out tomorrow that I mentioned earlier; not sure if that scene in the celebration at Cervera will appear, but lets see.
Yeah, a majority were the V10s in their run up towards the 1000 hp mark before everything was re-neutered. The MotoGP bikes do sound very cool.
As for the 3rd day of testing, unfortunately I didn't have the chance to attend. Weekend work interfered and too many deadlines. It certainly is making me hum and haw over whether or not I should have bought a VIP ticket instead of the grandstand one; the testing atmosphere was more intimate and almost a ghost town. I imagine the grand prix weekend, despite being in a place that is probably the opposite to a Spanish crowd/setting, will be much busier by comparison and offer less chances to bump into the guys.
The KTM news is very exciting to me. Though I am perhaps too overly optimistic that KTM will magically have a similarly successful situation to the Torro Rosso / Red Bull situation in F1. Apples to oranges, but I believe it ushered in some 'new' life into the otherwise monotony of the recent Mercedes domination that began with Brawn GP using the Benz engines the year before. The Austrians certainly want to play ball and are willing to invest in motorsports as underdogs. Good on `em. Yamaha and lately Ducati are the only ones to really rain on the Honda parades.
1000hp on a qualy only engine, yeah... those were days, I honestly get that that tech developed in motor-sports eventually makes its way down to consumer grade vehicles, but I just hope we can all agree that the future of consumer grade stuff is EV and eventually autonomous thus we have Formula E and now MotoE classes to rely on for that so we can go back to racing these amazing fossils in v10 format.
The FIA should consider that this cost savings argument was bs from the get go, as it costs more in development then ever anticipated and has tarnished F1 in the past few years like never before; I actually watched most of the Vettel-RedBull domination era, but now... I won't even watch highlights as its so monotonous, let alone consider attending a GP. Now if you throw V10s and Alonso and Hamilton in the same team I bet it will at least return to 2007 levels of intrigue as their is definitely unfinished business there. And for cost savings, simply re-arranging and shortening the schedule and logistics of the racing calendar could do more to lower co2 than several race weekends: thats the real dirty secret of motorsports.
I'd like to see KTM up there, but its wishful thinking that it will happen in the next 2 seasons, Zarco will do well there will factory backing next season; not sure if Dietrich is responsible for Austria's resurgence in motorsports but, I still can't believe that RedBull can finance this level of participation in these immensely expensive sports from what is a horrible energy drink. Back in the day we had cases of that stuff as awards from events (consultation prizes) in the garage and couldn't give it away fast enough, they then started to hand out vitamin water, which was way more palatable but still hard to grasp how they can have the reach into so many sports... its like Leopard, they didn't even have a drink available for the longest time.
Anyhow, were close to getting this whole thing finally kicking off!