MotoGP 2018

Hi folks,

Anyone else having problems with -
Message Security Error when loading media
Detail Cannot load M3U8: crossdomain access denied Error #2048

Worked fine before, i'm using Firefox latest.
Hi folks,

Anyone else having problems with -
Message Security Error when loading media
Detail Cannot load M3U8: crossdomain access denied Error #2048

Worked fine before, i'm using Firefox latest.

I see I'm not the only one with this problems. Use the HLS links at the very bottom of the page, otherwise the error #2048 pops. Happens to me regardless of browser. That said, other than a slight stutter, HLS links working like charm. The quality is too strong for my aging PC.
Don't forget to send John some monetary love, a lot of time goes into this. Thanks again John, you're a mench.
Cheers for your reply,
yeah i've got that working fine but was just wondering why it no longer works in FF..
Try using Chrome browser with the HLS plugin then click one of the HLS links near the bottom of the stream webpage.

Let me know if you need more help.


Chrome stopped working on my laptop a while ago, it just crashes the entire OS every time I start it so that isn't going to work for me. Had no issues with Firefox until this race, it ran fine all last year and for the first WSBK race of 2019. Any other ideas?

EDIT - I went and loaded an HLS plug in for Firefox and it now seems to be running properly if I click directly on an HLS link on the bottom of the page. Many thanks again for all your efforts!

Last edited:
EDIT - I went and loaded an HLS plug in for Firefox and it now seems to be running properly if I clilck directly on an HLS link on the bottom of the page. Many thanks again for all your efforts!


Many thanks mate, that's worked a charm.
FF has HLS support built in, but won't work without the plug-in for some reason..

And John, Cheers for all your hard work over the years mate, it's greatly appreciated as always..

May I please get the link as well?


Pretty please??? With Cherry on top??
Could I be sent the link too please? Have been here for the past few seasons but want to make sure I still have the most up to date links! Thanks :)
Can't find the download/watch later on the pastebin link that was kicking around last season :-(
If anyone has it, please PM. I can't watch live...and cancelled my Videopass account lol.
Heeeyyy, new site is kinda cool too.
I ended up watching a BT source, but I tested the live stream in 1080p and it looked good, JC.

Thanks, dude!
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