Thanks for the quality reportStream was perfect! Thanx
That means that the server has been cleaned out (old files deleted), waiting for the new stream to start It should work now, if you still get the error clear your cache.I'm trying to watch the stream now and keep getting an I/O error:
Message: I/O error when loading media
Detail: Cannot load M3U8: Error #2032
Google was no help in correcting this, is there a firewall or something getting in the way? I am watching on Firefox if that matters.
That means that the server has been cleaned out (old files deleted), waiting for the new stream to start It should work now, if you still get the error clear your cache.
Sent!Any links?
Sent!Please send me the links
If you don't normally watch the Moto3 races you should watch this one! Especially the last few laps, absolutely insane <3