MotoGP 2018

It is highly unlikely that I will be able to stream the pre-event press conference live! Super sorry. I'll be able to upload/stream it after 7PM EST.

Unless an emergency comes up I'll be able to stream the rest of the weekend without issue.
Free Practice One (FP1) is now live streaming! There will be no announcement before FP2!

Enjoy :)

I open the streams with VLC; I am getting non-specified errors this morning on both 720 links, (1080 is working).

May I also get the gdrive information?

Thank you! I appreciate this so much!!
I open the streams with VLC; I am getting non-specified errors this morning on both 720 links, (1080 is working).
Looks like there were some permission errors on the 720p folder on MontrealSSD so it couldn't write the files to it (amsterdam copies the files from MontrealSSD). The problem has been corrected but it will take quite a while for the 720p server to catch back up.

Thanks for letting me know!
720p should be fully up and working for you now. Just FYI, you can use ffmpeg to download the live videos (if you'd like to keep a copy on your computer). If you need instructions let me know.

Is it then possible to edit the file to only keep MotoGP for example rather than 7 hours of footage? If you could PM me instructions that would be great :) thanks
Is it then possible to edit the file to only keep MotoGP for example rather than 7 hours of footage? If you could PM me instructions that would be great :) thanks
To download the stream video with ffmpeg: (replace with the domain name of the live stream server!!)

ffmpeg -i -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -c copy fp1.mp4

That will download at the full speed of your internet connection the entire live video (i.e. 7 to 8 hours).

When the file is complete you can open it with avidemux to trim out just the MotoGP part if you want (set the A/in point where you want to trim, the B/out point where you want it to stop, set output format to MP4v2 muxer then save it and it will save just the part between A and B).

If you have a data cap or limited bandwidth/speed there are some freaky ffmpeg commands you could use to tell it to just download the part you want, but that's a little above my pay grade.

Good luck!
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First, thanx for the perfect streams.
Then in case you guys missed it, WUP and race for Motogp tomorrow is been moved!!!
And let's all hope the rain doesn't get too bad even then, cuz anything is possible.
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