MotoGP 2017

Spy photos of another aero prototype that will be tested by Yamaha
Thanks again for streaming :)

But I have a problem. Will be a 720p / 480p stream for slow connections like me? :)

Those new shark helmet are awful looking, hope that doesn't trickle down to the consumer market lol. I dont know why but they always remind me of this

That was never his style. Rossi in his heyday was stalk-and-pounce, like a cat playing with an injured mouse. He'd sit himself comfortably behind the leader and toy with him the entire race, showing him a wheel here and there, forcing them to make a mistake. And even if they didn't, he'd make that thrilling last lap overtake anyway, just to give the fans a show. Apart from his entertainer-personality, *that* is the real reason why racing fans love Rossi.

or in gibernau's (spelling?) case ...torpedo's the guy on last lap last corner...without apology...

just some bait for the rossi fans lol
Am in Quebec , Canada , the quality is awsome ! 2017 donation coming very soon .
Sweet, two of the servers are in Quebec, must be getting nice speed :)

Thanks for the donation, going to need a lot of them to pony up for a new server :(
I remember that incident Rossi/Gibernau...the spaniard was crying like a
I remember that incident Rossi/Gibernau...the spaniard was crying like a
i'll bite lol
probably crying from the knee injury? he sustained

i was watching back then too, they had some great dicing going until the final corner. at least rossi didn't look back 2-3 times to line em up. smile. wink. now were getting somewhere lmao. how many days to the 1st motogp race?
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Yeah he was complaining of pain on his left shoulder from the contact with Rossi sliders.

wow quick response. i edited with some additonal bait lol.
was first race of the season but i don't remember the year. 02 maybe? think they changed the lead 3 times on that last lap. was a helluva good race.
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MotoGP 2017 - Pre-Season MotoGP Test - Interviews, Highlights, etc - Sepang 720p and TORRENT is up in the first post!

Found out a way to record the 8 hour videos, but it takes a TON of work. Maybe this weekend I'll have some free time.

From someone that watched all 24 hours over the 3 days, it really isn't that exciting. Day 2 was a wash with rain all day. Day 3 was boring as hell, day one was exciting seen everyone for he first time on their new rides.

I would say to people, watch day one, skip day two completely, an watch the last hour of day 3.

Now if you have the time, then go for all of it. I listened to it while doing work and watched the spots that sounded like some action was happening at the track, 80 percent of it is the 2 poor commentators trying to find stuff to talk about.
MotoGP 2017 - Pre-Season MotoGP Test - Interviews, Highlights, etc - Sepang 720p and TORRENT is up in the first post!

Found out a way to record the 8 hour videos, but it takes a TON of work. Maybe this weekend I'll have some free time.

From someone that watched all 24 hours over the 3 days, it really isn't that exciting. Day 2 was a wash with rain all day. Day 3 was boring as hell, day one was exciting seen everyone for he first time on their new rides.

I would say to people, watch day one, skip day two completely, an watch the last hour of day 3.

Now if you have the time, then go for all of it. I listened to it while doing work and watched the spots that sounded like some action was happening at the track, 80 percent of it is the 2 poor commentators trying to find stuff to talk about.
Awesome review and thanks for the heads up. I think I have day 3 fully recorded. It's live streaming right now (on the three live stream servers) and once it's finished live streaming I'll see if there's any parts missing and if not I'll do the other two days too. It wasn't as hard as I originally thought it was going to be.
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