12 Apr - Austin - Post-Race Press Conference or TORRENT
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Always best to download the file first instead of trying to stream it during race days because it'll mess up when my server is under heavy load. Today my server is under MONSTER load due to BSB, WSBK and MotoGP all being on the same weekend!Thanks for taking the time to do this.
Question for you though. I was able to watch the quatar race no problem. Trying to watch any of the cota stuff though and it is constantly freezing every couple of seconds. Any thoughts?
Why does Sam Lowes speak like English is a 2nd language for him?
If you'd crashed as many times as he has so far this season you'd talk funny too lol
Oh damnAndrea Iannone FP1 Argentina engine failure.
hahaha, you're fast..
I would have had it up about 5 minutes sooner but I've ever tried to get a screen grab from a video file that's being captured at the time. VLC player couldn't do it but avidemux could, so I was a little slow getting it uphahaha, you're fast..
I did build a new capture/encoding machine for this year, works WAY fasterhe's on that new DucatiBox15. Renders video quickly and bam! online.
Well now we know why they had so much speed.Oh damnAndrea Iannone FP1 Argentina engine failure.