Motel & Hotel Stays


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Sort of like the Eating Out thread, trying to find overnight accomodations that is reasonable is harder than doing a control systems problem.

My days of those 1000 milers is sort-of over and if you want to ride roads you haven't been over countless times, you have to expand your touring zone. So I am looking at Google Maps, clicking on the Hotels icon and all these places pop up. Maybe because they are listed on Google Maps, rates are higher to pay for the advertizing, don't know.

But the prices I come across are usually over $150 a night plus taxes with the very odd one at $100 plus taxes a night, and this for nothing special. What are these guys smoking? I have stayed in accomodations in other countries like the UK and Australia and it is similar with grossly overpriced accomodations. Whereas in Europe where everything is expensive, accomodations are a steal considering I get a buffet breakfast and if I choose, a four-course dinner. For example, in 2023 $88 and $92 per person, tax in with a buffet breakfast in two places I stayed in Austria and Italy and with scenery and motorcycle roads to die for.

So do you book in advance or do you just find a place to stay at the end of your riding day?

Are there any links to regular mom & pop motels that are not part of chains.
Squeeze and I just winged it at the end of the day. We didn't have GPS to help find motels so we sometimes just rode on to the next town. Never had an issue.
Sort of like the Eating Out thread, trying to find overnight accomodations that is reasonable is harder than doing a control systems problem.

My days of those 1000 milers is sort-of over and if you want to ride roads you haven't been over countless times, you have to expand your touring zone. So I am looking at Google Maps, clicking on the Hotels icon and all these places pop up. Maybe because they are listed on Google Maps, rates are higher to pay for the advertizing, don't know.

But the prices I come across are usually over $150 a night plus taxes with the very odd one at $100 plus taxes a night, and this for nothing special. What are these guys smoking? I have stayed in accomodations in other countries like the UK and Australia and it is similar with grossly overpriced accomodations. Whereas in Europe where everything is expensive, accomodations are a steal considering I get a buffet breakfast and if I choose, a four-course dinner. For example, in 2023 $88 and $92 per person, tax in with a buffet breakfast in two places I stayed in Austria and Italy and with scenery and motorcycle roads to die for.

So do you book in advance or do you just find a place to stay at the end of your riding day?

Are there any links to regular mom & pop motels that are not part of chains.
When I did a lot of touring through the States around 2008-2015 my buddy and I use to book rooms on Hotwire. You didn’t know which hotel you were booking a room in, you just knew if it was a 1,2,3 or four stars. We always went for the 4 star which were always the nicest hotel in the city that you were in for about $100-$125. We’ve stayed at The Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky, really nice hotel.Robert Plant was staying there the night we were there, he was performing at The Brown Theatre next door. Also stayed at The Pabst Hotel in Milwaukee as well as The Crown Plaza in New Orleans, all first class hotels for the same price that you would pay for a mediocre motel room. Not sure if the deals are as good these days but at least you’re not paying top dollar.
Sort of like the Eating Out thread, trying to find overnight accomodations that is reasonable is harder than doing a control systems problem.

My days of those 1000 milers is sort-of over and if you want to ride roads you haven't been over countless times, you have to expand your touring zone. So I am looking at Google Maps, clicking on the Hotels icon and all these places pop up. Maybe because they are listed on Google Maps, rates are higher to pay for the advertizing, don't know.

But the prices I come across are usually over $150 a night plus taxes with the very odd one at $100 plus taxes a night, and this for nothing special. What are these guys smoking? I have stayed in accomodations in other countries like the UK and Australia and it is similar with grossly overpriced accomodations. Whereas in Europe where everything is expensive, accomodations are a steal considering I get a buffet breakfast and if I choose, a four-course dinner. For example, in 2023 $88 and $92 per person, tax in with a buffet breakfast in two places I stayed in Austria and Italy and with scenery and motorcycle roads to die for.

So do you book in advance or do you just find a place to stay at the end of your riding day?

Are there any links to regular mom & pop motels that are not part of chains.
When I was doing more US touring I used Best Western along with their book of locations. Ride until noon. Decide where I wanted to stay the night and call ahead to guarantee a spot. The old books used to have prices and although they were out of date, you knew what locations were cheaper.

Back then $200 was generous for room, gas and meals.
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Last year I was looking at a ride through NY, VT, NH, ME to New Brunswick, but the exchange rate in the US was a killer then and now it is even worse at about $1.46.

I was looking at all these B&B places. I am serious, well over US$200 a night. B&Bs are supposed to be cheap, at least they are in Europe. In the US and in Canada, it seems to be "exclusive".
Europe probably doesn't have to deal with much of a shutdown for winter like we do here. Plus it's Europe, lots of demand for visitors. Last time I was over there I stayed at a Hostel. It was more like a cheap hotel with private rooms and baths, run by 2 old ladies, and it was great and not expensive.

The States has fairly cheap interstate hotels, but I've found you get what you pay for down there.

But ya buy Canadian but it's not cheap.

If Googlemaps has a link to the hotel website it might be less expensive to book directly and get a better room. I know a lot of hotels have what they call a "expedia" room for online bookings. Usually the cheapest but not the best room (next to elevator, no view etc)

For me I prefer to book hotels ahead of time I don't want to wast time on the road hunting for lodging.
Booking 1 night at Ontario Provincial Park. Bare minimum, no electric etc. site, taxes and fees are $55 per night.

Just to put things in perspective from a cost standpoint. Not to suggest camping. But, if camping is $55 and you bring your own stuff, a hotel or motor inn is gonna cost ya.

I have called and asked about discount rates for CAA or even corporate rates if you work for a national business that might have one. I’ve had the occasional hotel ask for a business card and I just BS them that I’m an independent contractor but, they told me to book with them and they roll with it even with my helmet and gear and squeeze with me. lol.
I think this year with so many people staying in Canada instead of going to the states it will be harder to just show up at a hotel and hope for a room. I’m off to Newfoundland in July and have booked all my rooms there and back already so hopefully no surprises!
I think this year with so many people staying in Canada instead of going to the states it will be harder to just show up at a hotel and hope for a room. I’m off to Newfoundland in July and have booked all my rooms there and back already so hopefully no surprises!

Back in 2003 when I was there, I stayed in Stephenville at what was once one of the military apartments (I was wondering why I saw a USAF aircraft on a pillar as I entered), then in Flowers Cove and then in Englee. Also in Red Bay and Labrador City in Labrador.

Lots of gravel back then, about 1100 kms of it from Red Bay to Manic-Cinq. There was no road to Happy Valley-Goose Bay at the time.
I think this year with so many people staying in Canada instead of going to the states it will be harder to just show up at a hotel and hope for a room. I’m off to Newfoundland in July and have booked all my rooms there and back already so hopefully no surprises!

'Pays to book ahead if your travelling along the trans Canada in Ontario during the summer...
So many hotels/motels booked solid by work crews... Some for weeks
I think this year with so many people staying in Canada instead of going to the states it will be harder to just show up at a hotel and hope for a room. I’m off to Newfoundland in July and have booked all my rooms there and back already so hopefully no surprises!
A buddy of mine rented an AirBNB in Dildo, Newfoundland last year (long story). He got a real nice 3 bedroom house overlooking the water for $1000 for the week. He wasn’t planning on going back but it was so nice he’s considering it this summer,
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Hotel / motels seem to have gotten a bit pricey in Can/US and worse if they use event pricing. Ie: if the Daytona five hundred is on , everything in North Daytona is up fifty percent . I’m finding it crazy in places like Banff and Jasper , easily four/five hundred a night in peak season. We just paid one seventy nine US a night in Malta when we left our friends house . The Germano in Valleta , worth every dime .

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When I travel I usually book in advance at Airbnb or
Airbnb can have deals if you don't mind staying outside cities.
I have stayed in rural areas where I have not even unpacked the bike because I knew if anybody pulled into the driveway at night
they would be met by the farmer toating a shotgun.
I do shorter days and plan on staying in one location for several days.
I will do day trips from this location and try to plan figure 8s or allow for escape routes in case of bad weather.
Example was a planned 30 day 9000 km trip to Florida (never happened YET) usually has a pay at site with 24 hour cancellation for a small extra fee. also has a view on map option showing all listings with prices.
Beware of what looks like a price to good to be true, it usually is as they do list some dumps as well as good places.
If I am on the road for more than 4 days I will build in a rest day that can be used to make up lost riding time if needed.
I will use Google street view to confirm the picture posred in the ad is not 25 years old.
I also use street view to check out the neighbourhood. I have found nice places in VERY BAD neighbourhoods.
I used to tow a travel trailer with my truck in my windsurfing days and had to start booking camp sites Jan 1 at 12.01.
If you don't want to book many days in advance try finding a room before 2:00 pm ( I have a whole list of Mary & Joseph horror stories)
Remember the destination is not important, its the ride getting there.

I don't do strait lines
11 days and 5,300 km on a Suzuki GW250
4 Airbnb stays.

2019 Compilation.JPG
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I still find that small (non-chain) indy motels usually (but not always) end up being the best bang for the buck - but if the chain hotel is $120 and includes a hot breakfast for my wife and I vs the $100 motel that doesn't include anything, well, we usually for the chain hotel as breakfast anywhere will cost you more than $10/pp.

The other reason I like motels is that your bike is right outside your room - convenient on several fronts, and IMHO better for security - if someone trips my alarm I'm just feet away, and I'm going to come running out full tilt in a state of appearance and undress that would scare away even the most hard core gangbangers. 😄

In all seriousness though, nothing is cheap anymore when it comes to accomodations, but keep in mind that when it comes to the bigger hotel chains...there is flexibility in pricing - you just need to know how to ask for it. Show up at the front desk in a great mood, have a laugh with the person at the desk, ask about room availability, and then ask for the rate. They'll usually give you the rack (standard walk-in, no discounts) rate. And then don't be afraid to ask politely if there's any better rate possible vs "rack" - mentioning rack rate tells them that you're a savvy traveller.

I **** you not I've got rooms at big chain hotels for $70-$80/night (vs $120-$150 rack) using this tactic - sometimes the poor minimum wage people working the dead end jobs at these hotels (especially later in the evenings once the manager has gone home) just appreciate having someone show up in a good mood for a change (vs the miserable/grumpy/complaining crowd), they appreciate someone making some funnies, and then being polite in asking for a deal - quite often they have the ability to find discounts or are able to just override pricing within allowances that the hotel manager has programmed into the system.

Also, don't be afraid to go somewhere where there is multiple hotels within walking distance and walk back and forth between them asking for rates, and then mention "the other place across the road quoted me x dollars, but I'd rather stay with you, can you do a better rate for me? Again, there's often surprising flexibility. We stayed at a Holiday Inn in Vancouver near Capilano for $500 for an entire week using this tactic.

Just don't do this sort of negotiation when there's other people at the desk - if there's a line up and you start haggling they're much less likely to offer you a discounted rate as then everyone else in line will kick and scream to get it too. Be savvy about the process.

I'm pretty shameless when it comes to haggling, but it's saved me a lot of money over the years. And done right, with some humour and a smile, you'd be surprised at how often it can have the desired effect.
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