Most annoying man in Canada

Robbie, Robbie, Robbie. Where do I start? I figured you had moved on to the next trend (flash mobs?). Slithering back in to take shots from behind a sock puppet handle does sound par for the course, though. By all means, carry on. The place does need some amusement during the winter months.

P.M.ed you.
This is why we need the ***Drama Alert*** sticky thread. I never would have expected this.
hahaha so this week, Steve Anthony was visiting the bar/club that I work at. It turns out that he wasn't invited to the media launch party when it opened since pretty much everyone important in Toronto was there (& cp24 covered it extensively). Dude seemed so butthurt and said that he would send an e-mail to find out what happened.
My vote's for this guy:


Stuart McLean's voice is effin' soooo annoying...drives me bonkers. Same goes for that promo guy.
Not this guy?

Nobody wants to talk about Mr. Wonderfuls fiscal POV per OP. Zoom, right overhead. No wonder Vlad, Turbo, Bandit Bill and the rest of that ilk don't participate here anymore.:(

Wut? Prolly the first time i logged in, within the past 2 years...
Wut? Prolly the first time i logged in, within the past 2 years...

Just some delicate flower that got all butt-hurt over the drama behind his ride group imploding, then created serial sock puppet accounts to get some sort of perceived revenge.

There, you're caught up, Bill.
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